chapter nine

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THE OTHERS were frantic racing around the vacant prison yard looking for some sort of self defence, the children wailed standing only a mere feet away from the toppling fencing, sounds of the undead going unheard as they clawed and snarled there w...

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THE OTHERS were frantic racing around the vacant prison yard looking for some sort of self defence, the children wailed standing only a mere feet away from the toppling fencing, sounds of the undead going unheard as they clawed and snarled there way through. 

My eyes widened as my legs carried me away from Glenn, the children cowered unable to move as the walkers neared them. I reached for the blade tucked into it's holster and wielded it stretching out an arm to pull the children to safety.

"Run!" I shout, ushering them away. 

I glanced back over my shoulder at the walkers tearing themselves apart, limbs and all the things alike left behind as the thirsted for their own pound of flesh. Their rotted teeth clacking together as they open and closed there mouths, I held back a gag reaching forward, my hand trembling. 

The blade in my clutches feeling heavier than ever before, I closed my eyes as the sickening crack followed the entrance of my blade in the side of the undead's skull, withdrawing it bringing blood splatter and bits of flesh that stuck to my skin and clothes. 

I turn and hunch over, the little bit of food I had stored in my stomach crawling up my throat and decorating the gravel, my eyes water as a stinging lingers at the back of my throat. 

"Are you okay?" A hand grasps my elbow, the calloused fingertips sending chills down my spine. 

I turn slowly wiping around my mouth with the back of my hand, Rick stands before me holding a knife up as the rest of the group begin taking care of the walkers threatening their livelihood and home. 

"I killed it," I whisper.

"You showed it mercy." objected Rick resting a comforting hand on my exposed shoulder. 

I straighten my posture and glanced down at my palm, black blood coated my fist, the source of the drippage coming from the tip of my blade.

"We need to move," Rick ordered. 

The walker numbers were increasing dramatically, the chances of the chain link fences succumbing to the extra weight weighing down on our shoulders. I inhaled slowly trying to pull myself together. 

"I can do this," I reassure Rick. 

He managed a nod and I back away slowly spinning on my heel quickly as I sprint across the field, my feet kick up grass and dirt as my mind never strays from the children cowering behind walls and screaming for their parents.

A little girl's wails rock my world as her father tries to pull away, "I've gotta go help, Anne. You've gotta let me go."

I exhale shakily and approach coming to a quick halt, "Hey." I whisper dropping to a knee, the gravel beneath it scratching at my skin.

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