chapter seventeen

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THE LOSS of a cared individual within a community is devastating, a feeling that can't be described in words but if anyone had to describe it, the closest you'd ever get is: heartbroken

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THE LOSS of a cared individual within a community is devastating, a feeling that can't be described in words but if anyone had to describe it, the closest you'd ever get is: heartbroken

An overwhelming urge to stick your own hand in your chest and rip the organ from your body so the ache goes away. Your lungs refuse to take in any air, Nova hadn't taken any notice to her symptoms until she stared at Maggie - the brunette's presence winding her in an unexpected fashion.

The woman was almost uncanny to her father, Hershel.

Nova suddenly felt stupid for mourning him, his daughter had handled the initial loss better than her and Hershel had only known her a couple of months compared to many years he spent raising his children. However, he had become like a father to her, filling the void left behind by her own father.

The girl drops her head in defeat blinking away tears as she pushed him to the back of her mind trying to focus on the objective at hand - finding Glenn. Making sure her best friend is the alive and thriving out in the world was all she needed to focus on right now.

She stops in her tracks glancing down at the weapon holstered in her pants, one she had taken in hopes that Glenn would be around to take.

Nova exhales slowly, closing her eyes.


NOVA'S eyes shot open in a panic, her chest rising and falling quickly, her lungs aching as if an invisible weight was sitting on her chest crushing her. Her hand comes up clawing at her throat until the fog clears from her mind.

"You're okay, child." Hershel whispered, his accent thick, an odd comfort almost like home. Nova felt exhausted, her muscles acting, the shirt that stuck to her body now covered in dried blood - however, no matter how much she strained her mind, she didn't remember who's blood it was.

"Wait, where's Glenn?" She manages to speak, her voice sounding hoarse prompting the veterinarian to stick a cup of water in the palm of her hand.

The recovered girl quickly brings to her lips and pours the lukewarm liquid down her throat quickly clearing the mucus buildup from her throat, "we moved you from his bedside almost 2 night ago, child. Your body needed rest." Hershel answers, a solemn expression wearing on his rapidly aging face.

"How do you feel?" He then went on to ask, his eyes full of a genuine concern that enveloped her like a warm hug diminishing her fears for just a moment.

"Like I've been hit by a truck," she croaks, playing with the IV line that had been  set up during her apparent long and much needed nap.

Hershel chuckles lightly gently lowering his calloused palm to her shoulder giving it a gentle rub, "do you feel anymore of the symptoms? We managed to get some antibiotics into you, they should've kicked in by now."

"I think I'm okay..." she mumbles, a moment of relief washing over her as she realized she no longer felt that brain jumbling wave of dizziness nor the urge to throw her guts up.

A presence by the entrance of the cell quickly has her on the edge of her bed tensing quickly. However, the comforting smile that adorned the familiar individuals face has her ripping the IV line from her arm and stumbling forward into his arms.

Nova doesn't think she's gonna make it far before her legs give out underneath her, collapsing straight into the warmth of her friends arms.

Glenn scoops her up with ease holding her up as she welcomed the warmth radiating from his being.

"We are both okay..." he whispers, a hand coming up to grasp the back of her head. Relief had never been so tongue tying, he had so much to say and yet nothing would come out. So caught up in each other's presence neither seem to notice Hershel sneaking out, to aid Michonne.

"You've been out for 2 days, Nova." Is what falls from his lips instead of the true feelings that clawed at his throat, raw emotion choking him up as she trembled like a leaf in his arms.

"I was talking to you last night." She responds quietly trying to remember the events that unfolded before her long slumber.

Glenn shakes his head quickly, pulling away from the embrace to look her in the eyes, "Nova, you slept for two days. Hershel, H-he said it was your body taking the time to heal... the antibiotics just kind of sped it up."

Nova nods in understanding before finally asking, "who's blood is on my shirt?"

Glenn licks his cracked lips, "you started throwing up your own blood in your sleep, we had to roll you onto your side and it kinda soaked your shirt a little bit."

"W-what about all of the other people who got sick? I told Hershel I'd help take care of them.." nova was visibly confused, her mind in turmoil before Glenn suddenly falls to his knees, pale in the face.

"You are still sick?" Nova gasps wrapping his arm around her shoulders slowly leading him to the bed, gently lowering him down.

"I-I needed to make sure you were okay.." he manages to mutter, his eyes growing heavier before her very eyes.

"You can sleep now, I'm okay..." Nova whispers reassuringly, bringing a hand up to gently thread her fingers through his raven hair.


A HAND clasping over her shoulder quickly shocking her from the memory, Ben stands beside her, an expression that can only be described as concern.

"Nova!" Maggie exclaims, lingering a few feet ahead quickly wiping away her previous thoughts that had completely rendered her completely still.

"S-sorry..." she gasps, in that moment she realizes her face is wet. Bringing a shaky hand to her face she wipes away her tears and clears her throat hiking up the bag on her back.

"Are you okay?" Ben asks, softly.

"I'm okay, we are okay..." she mumbles quickly trying to catch up with the rest of the group.

Whenever Glenn was, she was praying he was safe.



I apologize for my absence and apologize with a filler chapter, showing you the last time Nova had a more gentler moment with our favorite walking dead character, Glenn.

I will be updating more regularly, I can't wait!!

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