chapter fifteen

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THE DUO ran for what felt like hours weaving through trees and dodging the hoard that was still passing through, Ben stopping every couple of minutes catching his breath and adjusting the make up sling that they had to quickly come up with

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THE DUO ran for what felt like hours weaving through trees and dodging the hoard that was still passing through, Ben stopping every couple of minutes catching his breath and adjusting the make up sling that they had to quickly come up with.

"We need to set up camp somewhere," huffed Ben, his pale cheeks burning red, sweat dripping down his forehead.

Nova looked around hunched over with her hands on her knees, she dragged her tongue over her bottom lip lost in thought as her mind focuses on making sure her lungs are operating in the ways that they should.

The low growl of a walker can suddenly be heard followed by a few more, Nova glanced over at an exhausted Ben before straightening up, "we need to keep moving, it's not safe here."

He groaned and struggled to his feet, "where the hell are we going to go? The prison? We don't have anywhere to go, Nova."

She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and looked up with her hands on her hips, "we'll figure it out - m-maybe if we head more out we'd then we'll find someone, anyone!"

Ben huffed loudly, "whatever." He grumbled before brushing past her shoulder and storming off.

They picked up their pace staying silent, one of them too angry to speak and the other too stubborn to begin the conversation, if it weren't for the low moans of the undead and the light bristling of the leaves brushing past one another - it may have been completely silent.

Nova came to an abrupt stop beginning to gag, "are you okay?" Ben started before being interrupted by the sound of the girl emptying her guts, the contents of her stomach landing in a pile.

"Oh, I think it got on my shoes." Ben complains.

She stands up abruptly and wipes her mouth with her sleeve, "yeah well I think I just threw up my soul."

Nova fell silent caressing her sore stomach with her fingertips, every inch of her body ached from injuries sustained in the confrontation and bruises that lingered on her face from being smacked around.

"Okay," she grumbled stepping past him her shoulder gently brushing past his. "Enough standing around, your gonna get us killed just standing around."

Ben rolled his eyes before falling into a slow pace behind her, whispering insults under his breath feeling annoyance crawl through he's veins.

"We've gotta find Glenn." Nova spoke pulling out her knife and carving a little mark into the trunk of a tree they were passing by.

"We should focus on surviving." Ben argued. "We need to scavenge for supplies, like food and clean water before we focus on searching for your little friend."

She snapped her head quickly in his direction, "if we regroup maybe we could find everyone else. There's not way that their dead, you would search for Anne, what's so different about my situation!"

Ben recoiled at her words, his expression fading into one of hurt.

"Wait- I'm sorry that wasn't fair."

He scoffed under his breath, "your right. That isn't fucking fair, you can't use her against me, Nova."

"Can we please just keep moving?" She whispered, "it's getting dark and we need to find somewhere to set up camp."

Ben managed a nod and walked off wordlessly.

Nova glanced down at her feet clenching her fists at her side trying to release the tension in her knuckles.

A moment passed as she pulled herself together and then begun following him further into the woods and towards and uncertain future.


NOVA lowered herself onto the ground in front of the burning wood, her eyes trained onto the flames dancing across the wood.

She curled up into a ball leaning on the log of wood behind her, Ben was completely silent laying back with his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry," mumbled Nova.

"Sorry about what?" He mumbled absentmindedly, his voice wavering as he spoke.

"It wasn't right of me to bring up Anne to get under your skin like that, it was, it was a bitchy move." She replied.

"You shouldn't have," he glanced over, side eyeing the girl. "But you're right, if anne were still with us then I'd want to search for her too."

Nova swallowed a sob as a tear rolled down her face, "I should've protected her."

"Im her father," he choked. "It's was my job not yours."

"But I promised." She spoke, her voice cracking.

Ben sat up leaning his elbows on his knees as he locked eyes with her from across the fireplace, a sad half smile lingering as he said the next words, "Anne wasn't built for this world, she was too kind and a kid should never have to grow up around all the violence, I wish she was still with me but I'm glad that she's gone too."

Nova wiped away her tears, "Ben, I'm sure she found peace."

"What do you know," she glanced over. "One day a little butterfly is going to fly over and you're going to know that - your little butterfly has returned to you once more."

He smiled, glancing down at the ground.

Nova didn't say anything as she laid down on her back and stared up at the night sky, she smiled fondly at the millions of stars that sparkled in the sky and absentmindedly she raised a hand and covered a eye.

"Did you know that when I was on the international space station just floating around up there, me and my team estimated that there is about a trillion stars in the Milky Way. How fascinating, right?"

Nova dropped her hand and rolled over onto her side returning her wandering gaze to the burning fire, the smile dropping as she reflected on her time floating in space.

"What else?" Ben asked, making small talk.

"The closest galaxy to the Milky Way is Andromeda, which is around 2.6 million light years away from us."

Nova paused before continuing, "many galaxies are more than 100,000 light years across in distance. It takes over two hundred million years for the sun to orbit the center of the galaxy - we call it a galactic year."

Ben chuckled as he watched her face light up - something he hasn't seen in almost two days since the incident at the prison.

"You sleep," he whispered. "I'll go on first watch."

Nova smiled thankfully and turned to her other side, after being safely away from his wandering gaze, she let the tears she had been holding back fall down her face.

Nova was missing home a lot more than she realized, she just couldn't tell if it was her home in the stars or the home that she had quickly come to find in the small group she met at the prison.

Adjusting to a world without them was going to be harder than she thought.


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