chapter eight

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I CLUNG to Daryl's back clawing at his shoulders as fear coursed through my veins, the knife holstered around my thigh was just out of reach my fingertips brushing the handle as I yelled out in pain - my muscles straining

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I CLUNG to Daryl's back clawing at his shoulders as fear coursed through my veins, the knife holstered around my thigh was just out of reach my fingertips brushing the handle as I yelled out in pain - my muscles straining.

Air rushed past my head as my feet were dragged across the ground, suddenly I was upside down and then hitting the ground - pain erupted through my back as I arched it breathing heavily though my gritted teeth.

"Oh fuck," I whispered breathlessly.

"I thought this was training," Rick spoke approaching the two one standing, the other laying down accepting defeat in the middle of his field.

"No I'm just getting my ass kicked." I grumbled rising to my feet.

Daryl wasn't programmed to have a laugh during training but I had half assumed that my pain would bring a smile to his worn face.

Misery seemed like a humorous factor to the kind redneck but he didn't budge staying as stoic as ever, it was only a tad frustrating.

The pit in the bottom of my stomach wanted, no, needed the reaction.

Sue me, I need validation from males.

Rick barks a laugh and dismisses our shenanigans with a dismissive wave, much like a mother her scolding her chicklings.

I glanced back at Daryl and shrugged, "I don't know either, man."

There was a strange connection, it established the moment we met. Like two identical souls that happened to find one another.

He was oddly protective of me and weirdly enough, it was mutual.

I reached for the knife and pulled the weapon from its holster, I wouldn't dare try the knife trick Daryl does so effortlessly. I like my fingers exactly where they are.

He anticipated my every move, I had to stop thinking like an idiot, he was a big guy, built and had the speed of a gazelle being chased by a starving lion.

All of my attacks were block, perceived or shut down before I was even allowed to execute them.

Daryl Dixon was an impossible opponent.

Instead I did probably the dumbest thing I could've and picked up his cross bow and an arrow, pointing it at him felt wrong. Using a man's weapon against him was stupid, he knew it way better than I did. 

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