2. Teams

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Zak and Darryl were chatting as they strode down the hall, only slowing to a stop by the cork board of posters.

Darryl pointed excitedly at a poster.

"Oh! We could both join the chess tournaments!" He cheered excitedly.

Zak hummed in a meh sort of way. Darryl sighed and rolled his eyes.

"We... could join MCC? We both play Minecraft, and I'm pretty good at it." Zak suggested, teasingly at the last sentence.

Darryl glared at him in an amused way. He shrugged.

They both thought about it deeply, that was until they spotted the poster.

Their eyes lit up as they both gasped.

"Basketball teams!" They shouted in unison.

"We could try out for the same team!" Zak smiled.

"Which team?" Darryl pondered. "Red Rabbits or Pink Parrots?"

"Pink Parrots are way better, dude. Besides, that kid Tommy is trying out for the Red Rabbits, and he annoys you a lot." Zak reasoned.

"Tommy annoys you. I personally am fine with him."

Zak sighed. "He says fuck too much."

"AY!" Darryl snapped. "LANGUAGE!"

Zak snickered, shaking his head.

"Okay, you have a point, you muffinhead." Darryl muttered. "So that's the plan? We both try out for the Pink Parrots?"

"HELL-" Zak paused, scanning the dirty look that Darryl was giving him. "-Heck yeah!"

Darryl looked satisfied, then excited.

"I can't wait!" He cheered.

Unbeknownst to both boys, Zak blushed slightly at that comment. He couldn't wait either.


"God, that was exhausting." Zak huffed.

Darryl murmured in agreement.

They both were leaving the gymnasium, where they did tryouts. They were sweating and exhausted.

"Do you think we did good enough to get in?" Darryl asked hopefully.

Zak glanced at him whilst chugging his water.

"Yeah. I bet we did."

Darryl smiled weakly, then nervously, and grabbed Zak's arm, pulling him down the bustling hallway.

"Whoa dude, watch it!" Zak gasped. "Where are you going?"

Darryl said nothing and continued down the the hallway.

As they reached the end of the hallway, Darryl pulled them into a classroom, which was empty.

He immediately collapsed against the wall, chest heaving from sprinting through the halls.

Zak shoved his friend lightly.

"What was that for?" Zak exclaimed, more surprised than angry that his friend had just kidnapped him.

Darryl rustled his hair and stood straighter. "That kid Quackity."

Zak was confused. "What about him?"

Darryl shook his head.

"He was approaching us. I know he's a harmless kid, but he's kind of scary."

Zak paused, then burst out laughing. Darryl shot him a confused look.

"QUACKity?! That kid isn't scary in the sLIGHTEST!" Zak laughed. "Why, is it because he swears so much?"

Darryl turned a bright shade of embarrassed red. "No, he's just really weird. Quack- err, Alex just randomly comes up to me and like, flirts with me or writes me a song, or like yells at me."

Zak raised an eyebrow.

"So you don't like him cause he writes you songs and acts gay towards you?" Zak teased. "Dude, he's got his eyes on that Wilbur guy, you're fine."

Darryl shook his head.

"No, it's not because-" he paused. "What do you mean he likes Wilbur? Aren't they like four years apart?"

"So?? We're five years apart." Zak joked.

Darryl snickered, but shook it away with a look of confusion.

"But we're not dating? And we don't like each other."

Zak flushed pink.

"Uh, yeah, oops. I- uh- got... sidetracked." He murmured, embarrassed.


Zak laid in bed that night, excited.

It wasn't necessarily about being on the team, even though he was not sure if he even made it.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he was excited to see Darryl's face when he made the team, he just knew it.

Zak may have not been the best player, but Darryl sure would be. He could tell he would make it on for sure.

Zak squeezed his pillow, smiling into it.

He froze mid-smile.

"What am I doing??" Zak thought, flustered. "Why am I acting like a..."

He blushed in embarrassment.

"A fucking siiiiiimp." He muttered hesitantly.

Even though he was extremely embarrassed, he giggled quietly. It was slightly amusing to him, the entire situation.

"We'll see in a week." Zak smiled.

In a week everything would change.

"14 Cheers" // SkepHalo Fanfiction // Cheerleader AUWhere stories live. Discover now