12. Make Me Tongue Tied... Again?

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Usually, after you almost kiss your best friend at a dance in front of the whole school, your relationship would change a bit.

Not with our beloved Zak and Darryl.

"Bad, dude, did you get the invite from Cara?"

Darryl looked up from his phone, halfway through a bite of a muffin. "Hm?"

"She invited us to a sleepover, at her house! You're coming, right?"

Darryl swallowed the bite. "Woah woah woah, how do you know she invited me? Did she disclose it in the invite?"

Zak huffed, turning on his phone and clicking to the email. "Sleepover at my place this Friday. You and your boyfriend are invited, attend or else I leak the gay pictures." Zak looked up, unamused. "Yeah, she invited you."

Darryl smirked into his muffin. "Boyfriend, huh?"

Zak flipped his hand in a dismissive way. "Oh, you know those freaks."

Darryl glanced down at Zak's downturned hand, fingers flat and wrist supporting a sassy hand-flip. "That doesn't help." He reminded, nodding his head towards the hung wrist.

Zak pulled his hand away, cheeks only slightly pink from humor. "Eh, screw you."


"How is 'screw' language? It's like saying nuts and bolts are-"

"AHH! SKEPPY! SHUT UP!" Darryl covered his ears, and Zak burst out laughing.

"Okay okay, I promise I won't swear."

Darryl reluctantly uncovered his ears, suspicious of Zak's intentions.


Darryl stood up and chased after Zak, the other boy wailing out a mix of screaming and laughing.


A wave of "uh-oh im in trouble" washed over Zak before he realized he had a trick that never failed with Darryl.

He paused, turned around, giving Darryl puppy-dog eyes, and began to fake cry, shoving his face in his hands.

Darryl skidded to a halt in front of his friend, guilt dropping into his stomach. He approached Zak, embracing him gently.

"I'm sorry Geppy. I didn't mean it. It's okay, I'm sorry." He rubbed circles on Zak's back.

Zak felt his face get hot. He found himself trying to smell his friend's hoodie discreetly, and that made matters worse. When reality finally snapped back into his head, he slipped his hand into Darryl's pocket.

Darryl didn't notice until he felt pressure in his left pocket. He blushed, getting a flashback to when they were in the car. "Hey, what are you doing-"

Zak slipped his hand out, Darryl's phone clutched in it. He stuck his tongue out and booped his nose. "Gotcha."

It took a moment for Darryl to register what just happened, and by the time he did, Zak was already halfway up the stairs.


By the time Darryl had approached Zak, he was flopped down on Darryl's bed with a defeated look.

"Your password isn't muffins? Not even Lucy?"

Darryl scoffed. "Nope. Besides, why would I tell you what it is?"

Zak huffed. "Then I'll try something else."

"It's not 'language' either."

"Fuck." Zak groaned. Then it hit him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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"14 Cheers" // SkepHalo Fanfiction // Cheerleader AUWhere stories live. Discover now