8. The Party...

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~ TW [] Underage Drinking!!! ~

Zak didn't know why the hell he was here.

He should've been practicing his cheering, but he wasn't.

He was at a party, in a closet, face-to-face with someone anonymous, who happened to be the only one who didn't reek of alcohol.

But let's rewind, shall we?

• • •

Zak stood at the door of his friend Nick's house, holding out his phone, reading the invite again.

A small party.

Yeah, right.

There were balloons, blaring lights, deafeningly loud music, and about a hundred other of Zak's schoolmates there.

Darryl had advised him not to go. Zak was starting to wish he'd listened to him.

"Ah shit. Well, here we go."

Zak stepped inside, and the immediate stench of alcohol and sweat hit his senses. He scanned to room, full of couples, throuples, and one-nightstand-ers making out. He spotted a few kids chugging beer, but he winced and started searching for Nick.

"Great idea, Zak." He muttered. "Come to a fucking high-school party, it won't be that bad."

That's when he ran into Karl.

"Oh, hey man!"

Zak glanced up. "Hey Karl, finally!"

"You looking for Nick?" Karl smiled.

"Uh, yeah. Have you seen him?"

Karl rolled his eyes and dragged an almost-intoxicated looking boy out from behind him.

"Heyyyy! Zak, you made it!"

"Wish I hadn't."

"Aw c'mon, it's not that bad. Have you had a drink yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Lemme get you one! We have beer, vodka-"

"Uh, I just wanna go upstairs."

"That's fine, dude." Nick shrugged. "They're playing games up there, but it's less intense."

"Oh thank god." Zak thought.

"Cool! I'll join them."

"Suit yourself. We're gonna go find Alex."

He and Karl giggled drunkly as they stumbled off to do god knows what. Zak headed upstairs.

There sat some kids in a circle, bottle in the middle of all of them, one of them holding it, ready to spin it.

Zak sat down in the circle. Spin the bottle wasn't that bad.

"Okay, so everyone knows the rule for spin the bottle, right?" The bottle-spinning kid said, who Zak recognized as Velvet.

A murmur of agreement erupted through the crowd. Zak smiled as he successfully convinced himself not to care.

The bottle spun around and around, raising everyone's hopes and voices to a maximum energy. Finally it stopped on...

A girl with long, chocolate brown hair, who giggled drunkly and spun the bottle next. The bottle landed on a boy who seemed even more tipsy than her. They leaned in to kiss and began making out, pulling each other away from the game. Multiple kids made gagging noises and rolled their eyes.

A few rounds went by, and at one point during the game, he noticed some kids shoving another guest into the closet, but he didn't think much of it. Everyone here was drunk as a bunch of teens are at a high school party.

"14 Cheers" // SkepHalo Fanfiction // Cheerleader AUWhere stories live. Discover now