4. Keeping Secrets

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Darryl laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

There was a fluffy feeling in his chest, like his heart was warm, and butterflies pounded against his rib cage in retaliation.

He couldn't tell what this feeling was, but he felt it a lot around Zak. Maybe he felt excited to finally be able to hang out with Zak more? Or was it guilt from making it on the team without him?

No, it couldn't be guilt. He felt deliriously happy when he experienced the feeling.

It was happening way more often now. Like whenever Zak laughed, or touched his arm, or even made eye contact with him. It was almost like he was... nervously happy?

"Is that even a thing??" Darryl thought intensely.

He sat in silence as he continued to ponder. A knock came from his door.

He startled, but he muttered "Come in."

Cara opened the door slightly. She saw his expression of pure concentration and deep thought and opened the door, concerned.

"Is everything alright, Darryl?"

He sighed. "Yeah. Just... thinking."

Cara pushed the door farther open, revealing his room. "You've been 'thinking' a lot lately. I haven't seen you out of your room in almost a week."

Darryl said nothing, as the fluffy feeling was gone. Cara didn't effect him in that way.

But she made him smile. She was nice, a good roommate. They played Minecraft together, mostly when Zak played too.

"Puffy, have you ever had that feeling?" He asked, forgetting he used her gamertag instead of her name.

She blinked. "What feeling?"

Darryl blushed unwittingly, and cuddled up into his pillow.

"That feeling when you... get nervous, but excited around someone you care about? When you... almost feel warm inside, like everything's okay, but you just can't face that person?" Darryl sighed, embarrassed. "When you know that someone means something more to you... but you don't know what it is that they- they are."

There was a tuft of silence.

"Like you want to be with them forever?"

Cara's eyes widened in shock. But she sat down on Darryl's bed.

"I... think so." She muttered.

Darryl looked at her expectantly.

"The feeling where butterflies swarm throughout your stomach, and your heart beats extra loud in your ears?" She asked, still not turning to him.

He nodded.

"That feeling..." Cara turned to him. "That feeling is love."

Darryl's heart stopped in shock.

"And not the kind of affectionate love, like platonic love. That's love, like, being in love with someone." She stared him in the eyes. "Who makes you feel that way?"

Darryl's mouth was dry. He couldn't speak.

Cara suddenly knew.

"Is it Zak?" She asked. "Are you in love with Zak?"

His heart skipped a beat, and he blushed.

Cara smiled sympathetically. "Hey, it's okay! I'm sure he'll return the affection-"

"No, you don't understand." Darryl deadpanned nervously. "He's straight, he won't like me back, t-that is, if I do like him."

"If you didn't like him, you wouldn't be nervous."

"14 Cheers" // SkepHalo Fanfiction // Cheerleader AUWhere stories live. Discover now