3. A Different Team...

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Zak awoke that morning with a fluffy feeling in his chest.

It had been a week since the tryouts.

A week.

Wait a minute...

Zak hopped out of bed excitedly. The results were coming in this morning!

He grabbed his phone while brushing his teeth and messaged Darryl.
Skeppy - 7:23 AM

BBH - 7:24 AM
What do you want muffinhead?

Skeppy - 7:26 AM

BBH - 7:28 AM
You're right! I have to get ready!

Skeppy - 7:29 AM
Your not reayd?

BBH - 7:30 AM
Skeppy I just woke up.

Skeppy - 7:31 AM
Well we hvae to get ot shcool.
R u dirving me?

BBH - 7:33 AM
Drive yourself!

Skeppy - 7:34 AM
You actutally trst me to drive?

Read 7:35 AM
Zak smirked, knowing damn well what the answer was going to be.

A blip sound rang from his phone.
BBH - 7:37 AM
I'll be on my way in 25 minutes.

Zak let out a snicker, pulling a brush through his hair.

Darryl could never say no to him, and Zak knew it.

He was finishing breakfast when a car pulled up in front of his house.

He dropped the bowl of what was now Cheerio-flavored milk into the sink and dashed to the door, pulling on his shoes.

He jumped into the car and they drove away, leaving Vincent, Zak's neglected roommate, annoyedly scrubbing Zak's dish out.

"A good roommate. One to be on time with the rent, and to put his goddamn dishes in the dishwasher." Vincent huffed. "That's all I asked for."


Students were all gathered around the big hallway cork board, clamoring about who made what team.

Zak lead Darryl by the arm past all of the noisy students, anxious.

Everyone was excited.

A student named Wilbur pumped his fist and clapped his hand on Tommy's back, muttering excitedly about how Tommy had made the team.

Toby and Ranboo were chatting, planning out how to sabotage their teams when they would oppose, so that they could both lose together.

And for Zak and Darryl...

They scanned the list nervously.

Team Pink Parrots:

They both stood in shock.

Then Zak started yelling excitedly.

"Bad! You made the team!" He cheered, turning to Darryl.

Darryl stood, dumbfounded.

"But..." Darryl paused, bewildered at his friend's excitement. "You... didn't?"

Zak smiled and sighed.

"Oh, whatever. I don't really care anyways." He excused it. "You really wanted to be on that team, Bad! And look!"

"14 Cheers" // SkepHalo Fanfiction // Cheerleader AUWhere stories live. Discover now