6. Snooping

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Cara turned slightly to her girlfriend, eyes still scanning the road as she drove. "So, why did you cover for Zak?"

Minx poked a button on her phone. "What do you mean?"

Cara rolled her eyes. "Rebecca," she started. "I know you didn't dare Zak to do that. So why did you say you did, and why was Zak even there?"

Rebecca stayed silent.

"I know you know something, Becca. Tell me."

Minx sighed. "Fine. Just don't tell Darryl."

Cara glanced at Minx suspiciously. She reluctantly agreed, wondering why she shouldn't tell him.

"Zak's on the cheer team. And he said that he doesn't want Darryl to know yet." Cara stared at Rebecca for a moment, wide eyed. "It's gonna be some, like, coming out surprise. Y'know, like, 'Surprise! I'm gay and I'm in love with you!' And then Darryl will go 'Really?! I'm in love with you too!' And then they'll go..."

Minx made aggressive kissing noises. Cara laughed.

"So Zak likes Darryl too?" She asked.

"Mhm, sure seems like it. He's not good at acting str- wait what do you mean 'too'?" Rebecca gasped. "He's gay as well?!"

"Well, I don't know about his label, all I know is that he's desperately in love with him. He had a fucking mental breakdown when I broke it to him." Cara explained, Minx intensely listening. "I'm in on the 'snooping cupids' sorta plan with Zak's roommate, Vincent."

Minx processed it, then grabbed Cara's arm, almost swerving the car.


"Pleeeeeeasse let me help. I wanna help snoooooop." She gave Cara her best puppy-dog eyes. "I can help with Zak! He'll be the hardest stone to turn."


Cara glanced at Minx, spotting her puppy-dog eyes. She groaned.

"Fine, fine. You can help. I'll... call Vincent about it."

Rebecca squealed happily. "Fuck yeah!"

Cara rolled her eyes and snatched out her phone. Pressing A6D's contact, she clicked voice call, and it rung twice.

Someone picked up. "Hello?"

"Vincent, Rebecca, erm, Minx wants in." Cara announced, Vincent sighing from the other side of the call.

"Okay, whatever, just don't mess anything up, Minx." He deadpanned over speakerphone.

"Oh, I won't." Rebecca snickered. "I promise you, I won't."


A new day, the sun was shining, the clouds were high in the sky, the birds were singing...

And Velvet was harassing Zak again.

"It's so unfair that you get to cheer for your boyfriend, and I can't cheer for mine!" Velvet pouted. "All because some girl wanted to support her brother on the same team."

Velvet glared at Lani, who glared right back.

"It's not my fault! I didn't choose the teams!"

"Yeah, but you chose to cheer for that team!"

"Oh don't mope. You got the Green Alpacas or something."

"Lime Llamas." Velvet hissed.

"Whatever." Lani rolled her eyes. "Makes no difference. I'm cheering on my brother, you're being a simp. Mine is more charitable."

"14 Cheers" // SkepHalo Fanfiction // Cheerleader AUWhere stories live. Discover now