9. A Little Bit Of Mischeif

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The lunchroom wasn't that busy today.

Some kids had skipped lunch to work on projects, or sports, but Zak and Darryl had taken that as an opportunity to talk.

"I swear to god, I wasn't ping-spoofing!"

Darryl laughed.

"Oh my goodness, Skeppy! Stop talking about ping-spoofing!"

Zak giggled.

Zak and Darryl had been getting along just fine since the "closet incident". Wait, that sounds too gay. Eh, who cares, so are they.

They hadn't really talked about it, although Darryl really wanted to. He'd felt something that night, and he wanted to know if it was mutual.

"Hey, Zak?"

That's when the bell rang. Great timing, bro.

Zak smiled at him and collected his stuff, standing up. "Well, I don't have time to chat, sadly, but let's meet up later?"

Darryl nodded. "Where should I pick you up?"

Zak pondered for a moment. "The water fountains are fine. You know the ones."

"You mean the ones you've used so many times to troll me?"

"Those are the ones."

"Okay then." Darryl rolled his eyes and laughed. "See you there."

As Zak walked off down the hall, Darryl couldn't help but watch him. He was gorgeous. Stunning, even. Darryl wished that he could kiss him and beg to be his boyfr-

"Hey there, Darryl!"

Darryl flinched and looked up to find a girl with brown hair to her shoulders. She wasn't wearing much makeup, as far as Darryl could tell, and she wore a grey sweater. She also had a simple brown band-aid on her nose.

"I'm Amelia!" She added cheerfully, sliding into the seat in front of him. Then she paused. "Eating alone?"

Darryl was suspicious, strangely, even though she seemed nice. How did she know his name?

"Yeah, I guess. My friend had to go."

Amelia smiled. "Well, it is free time. Maybe he wanted a mocha frappe. I mean, who can wait for a mocha frappe?"

Darryl laughed a little. It was a bit more forced than regular laughter.

Amelia noticed his reluctance. "You're on the basketball team, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah?"

"Oh! I'm the Pink Parrots cheerleader!" She gasped, the lie slipping smoothly through her pretty teeth. "We'll be working together kinda, aye?"

Now it made sense. That's why she knew his name!

"A cheerleader, huh?"

Amelia nodded. "Yup!"

Darryl paused for a moment. "Zak, my best friend, apparently fought with one of the cheerleaders, broke her nose." He eyed the band-aid on her face.

She put two fingers gently to her nose. "Y-yes. That was me. A-and Zak."

Darryl slid back in his seat a bit.

"Well, you see, our relationship hasn't been going great, and we were fighting."

Darryl froze. "R-relationship?"

She nodded. "I'm sorry I used you as an excuse, it's just that-"


"14 Cheers" // SkepHalo Fanfiction // Cheerleader AUWhere stories live. Discover now