10. Practice

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It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining, the birds were singing...

And Zak was covered in a pile of cheerleaders.

"Charlie, you toppled the tower again!" Complained a squished cheerleader named Beth-Anne. "You should just be the top of the pyramid, or something."

Rebecca glanced down at her watch expectedly. "Guys, Coach Phil said we had an hour, so make it work!" She barked. "Skeppy, over here."

Zak stood, shaking off random cheerleaders sprawled across one another, and approached Rebecca, who was scribbling on her clipboard.

"What's wrong, Minx?"

Minx chewed on the cap of her pen absent-mindedly. "I heard that Amelia started trouble for you again?"

Zak sighed. "Yep. As always."

Minx shook her head. "If she's too much, I'll kick her off of the team. She's not too much better than you anyways. And you're a valuable member of the team."

Zak was surprised. "Really? I thought you were into keeping every member, like parts of a body, or something."

"Well, when one organ fails and becomes obsolete and troubling, it may be best to have it removed."

Zak winced internally. That was a bit dark.

"So have you told your boyfriend yet?"

"No, not yet." He was used to being teased about dating Darryl by now, as everyone joked about it. "He's going through stuff right now, and the big practices are upcoming... it's just... not important enough to matter."

Rebecca looked at Zak sympathetically. "I'm sure you're important enough for Darryl."

Zak focused his gaze down. "Hopefully."

"Anyways, if Amelia causes more trouble, we'll take action. But if you two resolve it, I think you'd get along... fine." Rebecca reasoned.

"I doubt it." Zak muttered under his breath.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I know she can be tough, Skeppy. That's why I offered to have her removed."

"Now you sound like a hitman."

Minx blew her whistle, interrupting the conversation. "Drista, Lani, Velvet! No more harassing each other, for god sakes! Just... keep choreographing."

Rebecca strutted off, giving off the vibe of... almost like an annoyed mother sashaying off to reprimand her children.

Zak sighed, but it soon turned into a yawn. He was tired, as he had pulled an all-nighter while studying for a test, which turned out to be due in a week instead of the next morning.

Either way, he had to work on his choreographing, so he straightened his back and rubbed his eyes, then took a swig of an energy drink, which tasted... weirdly like grape juice... Monsters don't usually taste like grape.

Zak shook the Monster can a bit, then laughed. Of course Darryl had replaced his Monster Energy with grape juice. Oh well, at least he was looking out for his health.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the gym doors. Rebecca answered them.

There leaned a tall man, still in school, obviously, but he looked friendly, even from behind his glasses and his face mask.

"Well, hello there Ranboo!"

Ranboo nodded. "Hi Minx. Is the gym free?"

Minx shook her head. "We're still in here."

"14 Cheers" // SkepHalo Fanfiction // Cheerleader AUWhere stories live. Discover now