Chapter 4

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"Why do we have these again?" Saiki asked, carrying a bag of various sweets.
"For my next door neighbor! He made it to the UA entrance exams! Strange, I thought he was quirkless..." Arial muttered to herself.
"Whatever!" Arial went up the door in front of her and knocked.
The green haired boy from yesterday answered the door.
"Who...are you?" He asked.
"Oh hey, it's you! I'm your neighbor! Since you got into the UA entrance exams, I brought you some sweets!" Arial grabbed the bag that Saiki was holding.
" did you know that...?!" The boy backed away.
Saiki sighed.
"We were there." He groaned.
The freckled boy blinked.
"Izuku? Who's at the door?" A woman's voice called for him.
"Our next door neighbor and her friend." Izuku answered.
The woman rushed over.
"Arial! So nice to see you again!" The woman hugged her.
"So nice to see you too, Inko! How are you?" Arial hugged Inko back.
"We've been great! Did you hear that Izuku was in the UA entrance exams a few days ago? So exciting!" Inko smiled.
Saiki listened to the woman's thoughts, which were filled of pride for her son. But he caught a bit of worry in there as well.
"I know! I was there with Saiki!" Arial motioned to Saiki behind her.
"Oh, how nice! I hope you two and my Izuku see each other!" Inko smiled.
"Oh, by the way, I wanted to give you these as congratulations!" Arial handed Inko and Izuku the sweets.
"Th...thank you!" Izuku made a little bow.
"Anytime!" Arial made a toothy smile with her feline teeth.
"Well, we better go! Don't wanna overstay our welcome! Bye!" Arial waved goodbye as she and Saiki left the apartment.
"All those sweets...gone...I had them in my hands..." Saiki murmured to himself, defeated.
"Come on, let's get you some coffee jelly, drama king." Arial pat his shoulder.
After they had stopped at the 7/11, they went back to Arial's apartment. When they got in, there were two envelopes on the floor by the mail slot.
"Huh, what could these be?" Arial picked them up.
"One's addressed to me and the other is to you." She handed Saiki his.
"Honey orange pineapple espresso! It's from UA! Let's read them!" Arial bounced with excitement.
Saiki used his X Ray vision to see inside.
"I don't think this is a letter we can read..." Saiki said.
"Whatever!" Arial ripped open her envelope and a disk fell out, a display appearing above it.
And there on the video display was All Might in all of his glory. The video went on until All Might had said that she had passed the exam.
"Woohoo! Yes!" Arial threw the disc up in the air in triumph.
Saiki then caught it with a blank look on his face.
"Don't break it, dumbass." He sighed.
"Now let's see yours!" Arial kept going, undeterred by Saiki's comment.
"Good grief..." Saiki rolled his eyes and opened his envelope.
He put the disc on the table and let the video play.
"Greetings, young Saiki! I am here to tell you that you have passed your exams with flying colors! You certainly have promise, young man! I look forward to teaching you! Ahahaha!" All Might finished off the video with a bellowing laugh.
"Yay! Go Saiki, go Saiki!" Arial cheered as she bounced around in joy.
Saiki still kept that blank look on his face.
"Oh come on, smile! You deserve this!" Arial poked his face to try to get a smile out of him.
"Don't touch me." Saiki swatted her hand away.
Arial just laughed it off.
"Isn't this great? Now we'll be in school together!" Arial grinned and put her arm on Saiki's shoulder.
"Good grief...Why does god hate me?"

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