Chapter 12

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(I'm really sorry if this dragged on for too long!)

Ashido opened the door to her house, and Kaminari immediately put Saiki down on the couch and sat down.
Ashido quickly locked the door and sat down next to Kaminari.
"Sorry you had to carry Saiki the whole way..." She smiled sheepishly.
"It's okay...besides...he's lighter than he looks..." Kaminari panted from the work of carrying someone for 20 minutes.
Ashido let out a deep sigh.
"Now we wait for everyone else to arrive...I'll go make us some snacks..." She got up and walked to the kitchen.
Kaminari looked down at Saiki's, now sleeping, face.
He smiled and sighed in relief.
"I'm glad you're okay..." Kaminari cradled Saiki's head as he slept.
An hour later, the rest of the group arrived to Ashido's house with two police officers in tow.
"Hey, these guys wanna talk to pink-hair." Bakugo said.
"Yeah, I'll go get him." Ashido went to go retrieve Saiki.
"Hey, you need to-"
Ashido cut herself off.
She saw Kaminari sleeping with Saiki's head on his lap.
She let out a small giggle and took a quick picture.
"Hey, Saiki, wake up!" Ashido shook the boy awake.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"What the hell...? What happened...? Where am I...?" He slowly got up.
"Come on, the police want to ask you some questions..." Ashido dragged him up.
"Fine, whatever..." Saiki mumbled.
"We'll take care of it from here." One of the police officers said.
And with that, Saiki had been taken by the police, leaving Ashido, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, Jiro, and Bakugo to talk.
"So, what the fuck happened, raccoon eyes?" Bakugo asked gruffly.
"We don't know... All I know is that Kaminari suddenly got a telepathic message from Saiki calling for help, and we found him chained up and blindfolded in the storage room of the bike shop." Ashido replied.
"Looks like we'll just have to ask when he gets back." Jiro said.
Everyone sat in silence for a moment.
"Anyways, while we wait, why don't we do some karaoke here at my house!" Ashido suggested, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah! Let's have some fun, guys!" Kaminari smiled.
Everyone reluctantly agreed.

✨A lot of songs later✨

Saiki's PoV

Saiki was in a police car, being driven back to Ashido's house.
"Good grief... how could I have let my guard down like that... So useless..." Saiki kept beating himself up for the rest of the ride there.
"Alright, you can go. We'll make sure those two are arrested! Have a good night!" The police dropped him off and left.
Saiki sighed, knocking on Ashido's door.
"Saiki! Everyone, he's back!" Ashido announced.
"You're okay!"
As soon as he stepped inside, Kaminari rushed up and gave Saiki a big hug.
Soon, everyone crowded around him, asking many questions.
"Guys, give him some space. He just got back." Jiro came to his rescue, shooing everyone away.
"Thanks." Saiki nodded.
"Anytime. Anyways, now that you're here, we can finally start the sleepover." Jiro told him.
"Why do have a feeling I'm not going to like whatever a sleepover is..." Saiki groaned internally.
"But they did save me from nearly getting kidnapped, so I owe them that..."
Saiki sighed.
"I guess I'll go along with it. Just so I don't have to feel like I owe them anything else."
Saiki went into the living room to see Kaminari singing a pop song, very badly.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sat on the couch.
"How is he making those sounds with his mouth?" Saiki asked himself.
Fortunately, Kaminari finished the song, everyone giving slow, awkward, applause.
"Thank you, thank you!" Kaminari made a little bow, like when someone finishes a show.
"Now that Saiki's here, the real fun can begin!" Ashido made a grin.
"Now, Saiki, since we saved your skin from getting hauled off to some foreign country or something, you owe us! That means you have to go along with every game we choose!" She snickered.
"Of course..."
Saiki kept his blank stare as he nodded.
"Okay! What should we do first? Painting our nails, Truth or dare, or spin the bottle?" Ashido asked.
"I vote Truth or Dare!" Kirishima raised his hand.
"Me too!"
Everyone agreed on Truth or Dare first.
"I'll go first! Bakugo, truth or dare?" Ashido pointed at Bakugo dramatically.
"Dare! I'm not afraid of anything you punks throw at me!" He yelled.
"Oh Ho Ho! We'll see about that! I dare you to..."
Ashido smirked.
"Say something nice about Midoriya!"
In an instant, Bakugo's cocky expression fell.
"No!" He replied defiantly.
"It's the dare! Come on, are you scared?" Ashido egged him on.
"No! Fine, Deku's hair doesn't look that much like broccoli..." Bakugo grumbled.
"I think that's the most we can get out of him..." Jiro said.
"Hey, pikachu, truth or dare?" He asked.
"Truth..." Kaminari replied.
"What the difference between you regularly and you when you shock yourself?"
Everyone looked at Bakugo in surprise and laughed.
"Hey! That's not funny!" Kaminari protested Bakugo's insult.
"Ahem! Anyways, that didn't count so, my turn!"
"Ashido! Truth or dare!" Kaminari said.
"Hah! Dare!"
"I dare you to put on dripping mascara and keep it that for the whole night!" Kaminari made a smug smile.
Ashido groaned.
"Why that? Fine, I'll do it."
Ashido went into the bathroom to do her makeup. A few minutes later, she came out with dripping mascara.
"I hope you're happy!" Ashido huffed.
"Cuz I know I am!" She let out a small cackle.
"Sero! Truth or dare!"
"Me?!" He cried.
"Come on, are you scared?" She smirked.
"No! In fact, I choose dare!" Sero crossed his arms.
"I feel I just made a mistake..."
"You did. Sero, you've doomed me." Saiki heard Ashido's dare in her head.
"I dare you to tickle Saiki for a full minute!"
"What!? Do you think I have a death wish?!" Sero yelled.
"Come on! Do it! Unless you're a coward..." Ashido made a smug grin.
Sero turned towards Saiki, approaching him.
"No, no, no! Don't you dare!"
Sero had pinned his arms down.
"I'm going to fucking-"
Saiki was interrupted by his own laughter as Sero tickled his now exposed stomach.
Ashido immediately took out her phone and recorded it.
A minute of this passed.
As soon as Sero stopped, he backed away several meters.
Saiki gave him a death glare.
Sero hid behind Bakugo.
"Hey, guys! No fighting!" Ashido got in between them.
Saiki sat back down without any response. However, there was a slight blush of embarrassment on his face.
"A...anyways, Jiro, truth or dare..." Sero stuttered.
"After what just happened? Truth." Jiro said.
"Are you emo?"
Jiro gave him a look.
"No..." She answered, confused.
She sighed and went on to the next person.
The game of truth or dare went on for about an hour.
"Guys, I'm bored... Let's paint our nails!" Ashido said.
She got out out several colors of nail polish and glitter.
In the end, everyone had colored nails, including Bakugo.
Jiro and Bakugo got black, Ashido got a glittery pink, Kaminari and Sero got just white glitter, Kirishima got red, and Saiki got a pastel pink.
He smiled down at his nicely painted nails.
He looked up to catch Ashido smirking at him.
Saiki's face returned to his normal, blank look.
Ashido giggled and went on.
"Now time for the grand finale, Spin the Bottle!" She cheered.
"I'm getting a bad feeling about this..."
Ashido had grabbed a glass bottle from the recycling bin and put in the the middle of the group.
"Okay! Let's start! To start us off, we have..." She spun the bottle, it landing on Bakugo.
"Bakugo! With..." She spun the bottle again. It landed on Kirishima.
"Kiri! Now come on, you two! You know what to do!"
"What do they have to-"
Saiki's question was quickly answered by Bakugo and Kirishima giving each other a quick kiss.
"Oh no"
"Next we have..." Ashido spun the bottle once again. It landed on Kaminari.
"Kaminari! With..." She spun it again.
It landed on Saiki.
Saiki could detect a hint of smugness in Ashido's grin.
Kaminari looked at Saiki with embarrassment.
"Come on, let's get this over with..." Kaminari crawled over to Saiki.
"No, no, no! Don't-"
Before he could finish, Kaminari had him in a kiss.
Saiki's eyes fluttered.
Thankfully, Kaminari pulled away.
He scooted back to his spot swiftly, leaving Saiki speechless and red.
Ashido went on with the game.
Eventually, everyone had been chosen, and that was the end of Spin the Bottle.
"What movie should we watch?" Ashido asked the group.
Everyone had suggested different movies, but Ashido just went with a random chick flick.
Sero, Kaminari, and Ashido were crying at the movie, Bakugo was annoyed at them, and Jiro & Saiki were questioning their life choices. Kirishima was the only one watching it normally.
After the movie, everyone had settled, ready to go to bed.
And with that, Saiki's first, and possibly last, sleepover had come to a close.

(I'm really sorry if these chapters were super long!)
(But I hoped you liked these shenanigans though...!)

Saiki K Goes to UA High! (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora