Chapter 9

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Saiki groaned and woke up from his fainting spell.
After the pro heroes had arrived, pain had overtaken him and made him faint.
He realized that he was in UA's nurses office. Next to him was Arial, Midoriya, and a skeletal man with wild blond hair.
He shakily got up, only to collapse back down again after his spine had started to hurt.
"Hey now! Don't move! I may have healed some of your injuries, but you still need to heal on your own!"
Saiki looked to his left to see Recovery Girl, the healer of UA.
"And the others...?" He rasped.
Recovery Girl sighed.
"Midoriya and All Might will be fine..." She said.
"So that's All Might?" Saiki asked.
"Yes, I assumed you knew because of your quirk." Recovery Girl replied.
"And...Arial...?" Saiki inquired hesitantly.
"She'll...need a bit more time. There are quite a few broken bones and other damage..." Recovery Girl took out the IV drip in Saiki's arm.
"But, other than that, she'll be fine. As for you, you'll need to wear a back brace for a week or two to finish healing your spine."
The nurse helped Saiki out of the bed and put the brace on him.
"Thank you."
Saiki took one last look at Arial and left the room.
He turned his head to see who was calling him.
Surprisingly, it was Kaminari.
"Hey man! Heard what happened to you and everyone else! Are you okay?" He cocked his head, concerned.
"Yes, I'm fine. Now go awa-"
"I brought you some cake!" Kaminari held up a small package with a slice of sponge cake inside.
Saiki stared at the cake, starting to drool.
Kaminari laughed lightheartedly.
"Didn't know you had a sweet tooth! Come on, let's eat!"
The two of them ate in the empty cafeteria.
"I would've thought you went home." Saiki ate his cake, thoroughly enjoying it.
"I wanted to sure everyone was okay first... I don't think my conscience would let me go before I knew everyone was alright..." Kaminari scratched his head, slightly embarrassed.
Saiki kept eating his cake in silence.
"So, how's that cake...?"
Saiki could tell Kaminari wanted to keep up the conversation.
"Good, I guess." Saiki replied coldly.
"Great...!" Kaminari awkwardly smiled.
"I really wanna be friends with him, but he doesn't seem to be very interested..." Kaminari thought to himself, disappointed.
Saiki internally sighed.
"I really don't wanna be friends, but I feel bad for ignoring him like this. I guess being friendly couldn't hurt."
"So... I guess I should go home now..."
Before Kaminari could walk away, Saiki grabbed his arm.
"Wait. I want to thank you for getting me that cake...and checking in on me... It was nice of you." Saiki said.
After being surprised for a second, Kaminari's face split into a big, dorkish grin.
"Anytime!" Kaminari locked Saiki into a hug.
"No, no! That was not an invitation!" Saiki tried his best to pry the electric boy off of him.
"See you tomorrow!"
Kaminari let go of him and walked away, heading home.
"Good grief...why do I feel like I'll regret this...?"

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