Chapter 10

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(I am not going to the Sports Festival Arc right away, so I'll put something in between.)
The day was Friday, the day that every student looks forward to. And Saiki is no exception.
"Oh man, it finally Friday... Thank goodness..."
"I wonder what I'll do this weekend..."
"Fridays are the best!"
Saiki heard these thoughts around the school.
"I wonder if the class wants to hang out this weekend!"
Saiki's head jerked in the direction where the thought had come from.
It had come from Kaminari, who was already standing up and asking people if they wanted to hang out.
"No, do not approach me, do not approach me, do not-"
"Hey Saiki! Wanna hang out with us this weekend?" Kaminari asked.
Saiki internally groaned.
"No, I'm busy." He replied.
"No you're not. You have nothing to do around the house or anything, and you didn't make any plans." Arial piped up, confused.
"Arial, you idiot..." Saiki thought.
"So you can come! Hooray!" Kaminari smiled.
"Everyone! Saiki is coming too!" He announced.
"Good grief...why do I have to hang out with these guys..."
Soon, the bell rang, and everyone rushed outside.
"So Saiki, We're going to meet up at the mall near here tomorrow at 1:00pm! Don't be late!" Kaminari waved goodbye and ran off to go home.
Arial approached Saiki.
"Are you going too, by any chance?" Saiki sighed.
"Nah, I have a lot to do this weekend." Arial said.
The two of them flew back to Arial's apartment.
Saiki immediately collapsed on the couch.
He sat up, adjusting his pose for his injured back. He also fixed his back brace and sat back down.
"Did you hurt your back there?" Arial asked.
"Yeah. I still can't stop thinking about that Nomu..." Saiki sighed.
"It was strange... I couldn't read its thoughts. I can even read animal's thoughts, but not that thing..." He explained.
"Maybe it's sort of like Nendo? Maybe there's nothing there in the first place. It seemed like it was just doing everything Shigaraki said." Arial made herself a coffee and sat down.
"Maybe...but, something just" Saiki put his hand on his chin, thinking.
"I think this is the one of the first times you've shown genuine emotion. Ever since we came here, actually." Arial pointed out.
"Like, you feel pain, you're worried, and usually you're just like..." Arial made a blank stare.
"Point taken." Saiki replied.
"Anyways, you can take a nap if you want, but I'm going to get stuff for dinner." Arial went into her room and changed out of her uniform.
"Byeeeeee!" Arial waved goodbye and walked out of the apartment.
Saiki sighed once again and laid down on the couch. "Maybe just a small nap..."
Saiki took off his glasses and put them on the table.
He made a small yawn as he covered himself with blankets and went to sleep.

✨The next day✨

Saiki yawned and stretched his arms as he woke up. He rubbed his eyes and put his glasses on.
"Morning, Sleeping Beauty!" Arial was already awake when he went into the kitchen, making a breakfast of strawberry crepes and eggs.
Saiki just grunted in response, and sat down at the table.
Soon, he was served a strawberry crepe and scrambled eggs.
Unsurprisingly, he finished off the crepes quickly.
"Man, you like my cooking that much?" Arial teased, eating her food as well.
Saiki ignored her.
After he finished his breakfast, he got dressed on his room, putting on a pastel green T-shirt and black pants.
"So, you going?" Arial asked when Saiki came out of his room.
"No." He replied.
"Wrong answer! You're going." Arial smirked.
"Besides, I'm gonna need the place to myself if I'm gonna get my stuff done." She explained.
Saiki sighed.
"I guess I have no choice."
A few hours later, it was 12:50pm.
"Time for you to go! Have fun Kusuo!" Arial waved goodbye.
"Stop calling me Kusuo." At that note, Saiki teleported away to the mall.
"Maybe if I go early, I can get some alone time..."
Saiki's hope was quickly dashed when he saw Ashido and Jiro waiting at a picnic table.
"Oh hey! You're early!"
Ashido walked over to Saiki.
"Now we just need to wait for the rest of the guys." Jiro said.
"Who else is coming?" Saiki asked.
"Let's see... Kaminari obviously, Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugo if Kiri can convince him to come..." Ashido replied.
"Hey, ladies..."
The group turned around to see Mineta, making finger-guns at the girls with a perverted smile on his face.
"Get out of here, Toritsuka clone." Saiki said coldly.
"Who's that?" Mineta asked.
"Just go away." Saiki ignored his question.
"I got this."
Jiro's earphone jacks plugged inside Mineta's head.
Mineta then started crying and running away.
"Thanks, Jiro!" Ashido smiled.
"You're welcome, besides, I didn't want that germ joining us." Jiro shrugged.
"Anyways, while we wait, why don't we get milkshakes!" Ashido suggested.
Ashido ended up dragging everyone to the ice cream shop in the mall for milkshakes.
Saiki got a vanilla, Jiro got a blueberry, and Ashido got a raspberry.
"Vanilla? Really? Man, that's so plain!" Ashido said.
"What's wrong with plain?" Saiki raised an eyebrow.
"It's boring!"
Saiki kept drinking his milkshake.
Jiro listened to music on her phone with her earphone jacks.
Soon, Kaminari and Sero arrived.
"Hey girls! Hey Saiki!" Sero greeted.
The two boys sat down next to the group.
"Where are Kiri and Bakugo?" Ashido asked.
"Kirishima said he's coming, but it's kinda difficult bringing Bakugo along!" Sero laughed.
Saiki sighed.
"Why does he have to come along?"
"Kirishima refused to go without him, so this is important to him! Besides, there's no harm in letting him join!" Sero protested.
"There is a lot of harm in letting him join."
"Whatever, I think he's noisy..." Saiki groaned.
"So, what are his thoughts like?" Kaminari leaned in close to Saiki.
"Same as his speech. Loud, angry, and annoying." He answered.
"I thought so." Kaminari ended up sitting right next to Saiki.
Saiki scooted away from Kaminari, trying to get some space.
He didn't take the hint, scooting even closer.
"There they are!" Ashido pointed out Kirishima and Bakugo walking towards them.
"Sorry, guys! Bakugo was hard to convince!" Kirishima let out an awkward laugh.
"Shut up, shitty hair! I only came because you wouldn't leave me alone until I said yes!" Bakugo yelled.
"I still don't understand why he had to come." Saiki kept drinking his milkshake.
"I don't understand why you had to come, pink-hair!" Bakugo retorted.
"Guys! Quit fighting! Let's just hang out already!" Ashido decided.
"Where exactly are we going?" Saiki diverted his attention from Bakugo to Ashido.
"First, we're going out to lunch! Then shopping, Then karaoke, and finally, a sleepover!" Ashido jumped with joy.
"A...what...?" Saiki cocked his head in confusion.
Ashido gasped dramatically.
"You don't know what a sleepover is? Guys, he doesn't know what a sleepover is!" Ashido cried.
"Trust me! We'll make this the best, and first, sleepover you've ever had!" Kaminari wrapped his arm around Saiki.
"Good grief...why does god hate me..."

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