{ V } Fruits Of The Land

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The two girls walked through the woods that laid between the Union settlement and Solomons home.

A heavy silence had followed the two after Sarah's encounter with Thomas.

Eleanor wanted to apologize to the teen for Thomas' actions, but she knew that Sarah wouldn't want an apology from her. It wasn't Eleanor's fault that her brother was such a sleaze.

Clearing her throat slightly, Eleanor awkwardly latched her hands in front of her, "So... A full moon rises before nightfall."

Sarah smirked at the young girls' words, rolling her eyes at how quietly she spoke. "Startin' a bit young, don't you think?" She questioned the girl rather than muttering the rest of the code.

"Old enough to provide for myself. Therefore, old enough to join in. Don't you think?"

Sarah nodded slowly in agreement, watching as the young Slater picked at the wildflowers that bloomed along the path they walked.

"It is a good night to enjoy the fruits of the land." She concluded, earning a wide grin from Eleanor. "That was simple enough."

Sarah laughed at the girls' words as they continued through the woods and over the stream.

"What's with the flowers?" Sarah questioned, noticing how the girl continued to bunch the flowers together in her hands as she passed them.

"For the Missus and their babe," Eleanor answered softly, separating the flowers into two bunches. "I try to pick them fresh flowers once a week."

Sarah nodded slowly as the two approached Solomon's home. "That's kind of you." She mumbled before her eyes wandered to the open door of Solomon's house, watching as the man exited the house with supplies for the crops.

"I'd hope someone would do the same for me." She mumbled softly as she departed from Sarah to place the flowers on top of the burial place of Solomon's late wife and child.

"Solomon!" Sarah called out as she continued to approach the home.

"Sarah. Eleanor." Solomon greeted breathily. "What brings you by?" He asked as he wiped the dirt away from his hands while the two girls entered his home.

"Brought you an endowment." Sarah informed him as she slid off the bag that rested on her shoulder.

The bag wriggled in her hands as she carefully undid the knot at the top of it before a light squealing sound could be heard from inside.

"The poor lass finally did it?" Eleanor gaped as she watched Sarah pull the piglet out of the bag. "Aye, not a still-born among the seven of them. Thought Solomon deserved the wicked one." Sarah joked, carefully passing the pig to Solomon who stared at it with wide eyes.

"This is madness, Sarah," Solomon muttered as he held the pig up to examine it. "It's too much. I can't accept it." He moved to pass the animal back to Sarah but she refused him.

"Just think of it as my dowry," Sarah smirked up at the man. "We're practically married. Haven't you heard?"

Eleanor couldn't imagine the two striking up an engagement much less marriage. Well, she couldn't imagine it for Sarah.

"Well, in that case, tell your father this isn't nearly worth it," Solomon stated with a grin. "But thank you, truly."

"Of course... Shadows fall on us all now and then." Sarah spoke to the man as he disposed of the piglet in another room.

"My brother wants me to give up. Move back to the settlement. He says the Goode family are not farmers. But these lands, they are fertile. I know it. We'll have a healthy crop yet. The sun will shine on us."

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