Chapter 12: Measurements

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" How are the wedding preparations coming along?" John asked as he and Grace walked through the garden; it was covered in a thick layer of crystal white snow that brightened the landscape. Grace wore a green dress, much like her old one but a deeper green and made of silk. Her black cloak wrapped around her shoulders to keep her warmth in as they continued to walk around, leaving footsteps in the fresh snow.

" Very well, I cannot believe it has been a month since you asked for my hand. I have never had reason to plan such a big event, so Elsa is assisting me." Grace answered with a soft smile. She walked the ground as she hung on his arm.

"Ah yes, Elsa. The head maid, she is very good at that kind of thing." John chuckled lightly as Grace nodded agreeing with him.

" She will have the invites ready and sent tomorrow. Though I do not have many to invite." Grace told him as they walked up to stone stairs to the back door. Maids held the large glass paneled doors as they walked in and instantly basked in the welcoming warmth. John turned to Grace and helped her take off her outdoor clothes as he then proceeded to do himself.

" Very well. Also a quick reminder that our engagement dinner party is tomorrow night.  Maybe then you could make some friends?" John smiled with a deep throat-ed chuckle and joy in his eyes as Grace returned it as well.

" How could I forget?" Grace said with enthusiasm as she turned and walked out the room, leaving John to continue with his work; which needed attending too. She walked the halls and headed to her room as it was almost time for her to be measured for her wedding dress. Thoughts bubbled around her mind of the different kinds of dress the seamstress would design. Grace pushed opened her bedroom door and saw Elsa, who had dirty blond hair tied up at the back of her head and a black maids dress on. Her brown eyes watched Grace with excitement and wonder. Three other woman were standing just behind her in a line.

" Good evening ma'am. My name is Wilma. I am the seamstress who will be making your dress." The older woman explained. She had graying hair; tied back in a ribbon and brown eyes but even with wrinkled skin, she still held beauty. She wore a deep green dress the puffed out at his hips and a tightly fitting corset that set her figure perfectly and covered her arms.

" This is Jane." Wilma said pointing to a young blond haired girl around the age of 16 and no more. Her blue eyes matched her blue dress that was less puffy them Wilma's but also very fitted around her torso.

" And this is Alice." She pointed to a brunette girl with brown eyes and dressed in a deep purple dress, much the same still as the previous two ladies dress. They both dipped down and bowed their heads to show her respect.

" They are my trainees and will be helping me today." She spoke to her as Grace just smiled to them.

"Come, time to get you measured." Wilma said as she motioned for Grace to walk over to her floor length mirror. Once Grace was standing in front of it, she watched as Wilma handed a measuring tap over to Jane.

" You 'ave pretty hair miss." Jane spoke as she walked over to Grace and wrapped tap around her waist pausing for a few seconds and then pulling it away.

" Thank you." Grace smiled holding her arm up and out to the sides So that Jane could continue to measure her body.

" So do tell. How did ya meet the master?" Alice asked as she sat down next to Wilma and wrote into a large book with a quill. Wilma turned to the girl with a scowl.

"Alice." She growled warning her that this was territory she should not be trampling onto.

"It's quite alright, We where in the market. He was trying to hand me some meat. I refused saying I was no charity chase. We ended up having a heavy argument." Grace chuckled laughing at the memory of their first encounter, how even thought he had a scowl plastered onto his lip. Grace could see the kindness in his actions.

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