favorite crime

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favorite crime by Olivia Rodrigo

Know that I loved you so bad
I let you treat me like that
I was your willing accomplice, honey
And I watched as you fled the scene
Doe-eyed as you buried me
One heart broke, four hands bloody
Those things I did
Just so I could call you mine
The things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
You used me as an alibi
I crossed my heart as you crossed the line
And I defended you to all my friends
And now, every time a siren sounds
I wonder if you're around
'Cause you know that I'd do it all again
All the things I did
Just so I could call you mine
The things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we do
'Cause I was going down, but I was doing it with you
Yeah, everything we broke, and all the trouble that we made
But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
Oh, look what we became
All the things I did
Just so I could call you mine
All the things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
Your favorite crime
Your favorite crime
'Cause baby, you were mine


Yesterday was an absolute disaster. It started out like any other Saturday, I had plans with Lee for the afternoon and because I knew he would be with Rachel all morning I decided to go over to the Flynn house to hang out with Noah. He was just going to be working on his motorcycle but I always liked watching him work. He always looked totally sexy in just a plain t-shirt, just tight enough that I could see his muscles flex as he worked. It was nice to see him so carefree and just be able to relax and talk. 

We were just sitting in the garage laughing at one of my stupid gossip magazines when he asked me to grab something for him off the shelf. I think he forgets that I'm not ridiculously tall like him, so I stepped on a tool box to try and reach the shelf. That was my first mistake of the day as I felt the box shift under me and I lost my balance and fell, hitting my face on one of the shelves, leaving a good sized gash on my check.

"Elle!" I heard Noah shout as he hurried over to check on me. "Shit, lets go get you cleaned up," he said as he grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to his room.

I sat down on his bed as he rummaged around his bathroom for a first aid kit. When he found it, he pulled up a chair and sat across from me and went to work on disinfecting the cut.

"When did you become such a doctor?" I teased.

"Since I started getting into fights. You kind of learn to take care of yourself when that happens."

The room suddenly felt very heavy.

"Why do you get into all those fights, anyway?" I asked.

"I think I..." he paused, "I guess it's kind of just how I'm wired." He gave me a sad smile.

"I don't believe that."

"My parents even sent me to see a couple of counselors," he admitted, "But you know, we're all fucked up one way or another, right?"

"You could change," I told him. I knew that's not who Noah was. He wasn't the fights and the violence, he was just the same, insecure teenager we all were, he just hid it better than the rest of us, and he his it behind the fighting. 

"You think I could change?" He asked, eyeing me nervously.

"You're Noah Flynn, I don't think there's much you can't do," I giggled. 

I leaned in to kiss him but before I could I heard Lee calling for me.

"Hey, Noah, have you seen Elle?"

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