Precious Love

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Precious Love by James Morrison

I was so lost, didn't know what to do with myself,
I was my own worst enemy, I was lost and oh I needed help,
Then you came along, and saw what state I was in,
You picked me up, when I was down,
Showed me how to live again.
I say thank you, for pulling me through,
I'm a lucky man,
I didn't know what life was
But now I understand,
This is precious love, its precious love
No I can't let it go,
This is precious love, and its teaching me,
Everything I need to know,
This is precious love, oh its precious love
No I can't get enough,
Oh I'm down on my knees begging you please,
To gimme more of that stuff.
Love, love, love, love, love, precious love
Oh its love, love, love, love, love, precious love
Oh I got so distracted,
By people all around, whispering sweet nothings,
Filling my head with doubt,
So I gave up, it didn't take long for me to see
The one thing that I was missing, was standing in front of me.
Took you for granted, thought the grass,
As greener on the other side.
I was wrong, and its taken so long
For me to finally realize.
This is precious love, its precious love
No I can't let it go,
This is precious love, and its teaching me,
Everything I need to know,
Oh this is precious love, oh its precious love
No I can't get enough,
Oh I'm down on my knees begging you please,
To gimme more of that stuff.
I say a prayer and send it to you,
That my heart will always be true
Life won't be the same without you
I say thank you, mmmm,
I'm a lucky man,
I didn't know what life was
But now I understand,
Oh this is love, love, love, love, love precious love
This is precious love, and its teaching me,
To be a better man,
This is precious love, oh its precious love
No I can't get enough,
Oh I'm down on my knees, it's there that I see
You must be from heaven above,
Yeah its love, love, love, love, love, precious love


Elle's POV

I woke up still wearing my prom dress, my hair starting to fall out of the polished up do I had last it in last night, and I just knew I had mascara running down my face from last night's cry. I'm sure I was quite the sight. I was still clutching my birthday present from my mom, and feeling closer to her than I had in a long time. I could almost hear her telling me everything would be okay, that everything would work itself out. I hoped it was true because right now everything was a mess. I replayed last night's events in my head, seeing Noah's face, hearing him declare his love for me, seeing the hurt in his eyes when I didn't give him the response he had hoped for, and finally,  running out on him. Why couldn't this just be easy? Why couldn't I just be honest with him, and tell him I loved him too? I did love him, I think I've known for a while but I hadn't really let myself put words to it until last night when he said it and it felt like my heart was going to jump right out of my chest and I just knew. How could those three words feel so right and yet have the ability to potentially destroy my relationship with my very best friend, my other half. How could Lee not see how much Noah meant to me? Did he really think I was just some easy girl at Noah's beck and call? He knew me better than anyone, and after last nights revelation, I don't know how he could think that. Maybe it didn't even matter anymore. I wouldn't blame Noah if he never wanted to see me again. Maybe he hated me for rejecting him and running out on him after he tore down his walls for me and let me see his heart. I tried to push those thoughts from my head. I just couldn't bare the thought. 

Luckily, I didn't have too much time to dwell on it. Today was my birthday and I had a party to get ready for. I was dressing up as the Cat-woman to Lee's Batman. I finally changed out of my prom dress and threw on some sweats. I grabbed my costume and makeup and headed over to Lee's. I was a little worried about the possibility of encountering Noah, but when I got there he wasn't home. I was a little relieved because I didn't know if I would be able to look at him, remembering the look on his face as I ran away from him, without totally breaking down again. I was in Lee's room hanging out, laying on his bed and listening to music as he finished blowing up balloons for the party. I had put on my E+N playlist, because I'm a masochist and I felt closer to Noah when I listened to it.

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