Dancing Queen

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Dancing Queen by ABBA

You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for a place to go
Where they play the right music
Getting in the swing
You come to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of rock music
Everything is fine
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet
Only seventeen
Dancing queen
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen
You're a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave 'em burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another
Anyone will do
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet
Only seventeen
Dancing queen
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen
Digging the dancing queen



Okay, so things between Elle and me have been weird, to say the least. Ever since her visit a month ago we just haven't been connecting. We ended it with her storming out on me and we've barely talked about it since. I know she's struggling with the distance and so am I. I miss her all the goddamn time but between school, friends, and her practicing for the dance competition, we just haven't found time to talk, sort of like two ships passing in the night. I know I should be better at making time for her, but if I'm completely honest with myself, it is easier this way. The more I throw myself into school and spend all my free time with Chloe, the less homesick I am. At this point, it's just kind of become the norm for us to text sporadically and call even less. I hate it. I hate the distance and awkward conversations, but it's also easier. So here I am, a walking contradiction, trying to puzzle together how to be closer to my girlfriend but also not miss her so much. God, I miss her so much it hurts sometimes. I haven't told anyone that, not even Chloe. But missing her has also played a huge part in distancing myself from her, which is stupid and I know I'm acting like a coward.

I'm hoping that we can reconnect over Thanksgiving. I'm flying back early to surprise her at her competition. No way was I going to miss this. Watching her dance with Lee was the only upside to being forced to babysit them at the arcade growing up. She was always so carefree, the literal definition of dance like no one is watching. She was good too. Like really good. I guess you don't keep the top score for four years straight if you're not. Watching her has always been mesmerizing, she's my Dancing Queen. So I arranged it all with my mom to pick me up and take me straight to the convention center. Somehow my mom also managed to get me right up front, so I won't even have to watch her from the big screen, I'll be right up close.

The first few couples are good but I know Elle is better. I don't know about her partner, but I'm sure if Elle was confident enough to have him sub for her ride-or-die partner Lee, then I was sure he was good too. He better fucking be, I don't want Elle to get dragged down because of a sucky partner. I look at the program and see that Elle is the very last to go. I'm sure she is freaking out backstage, waiting and watching all the other teams. I wish she knew I was here in the crowd, cheering for her, that maybe that would help with the nerves, but alas, that would defeat the purpose of the surprise.

Finally, the host announces Elle and her partner, Marco. The nerves settle in my stomach as I watch them take their places. I've seen Marco in a few pictures on Instagram with Lee and Elle's group of friends. He's tall, not as tall as me, but I'm basically a freak of nature. I guess he's objectively good-looking if you're into that whole sharp jawline and dimples thing. Shit, that's me, I'm describing myself. But from what I've gathered about him, which has been precious little, they're just school friends, forced into this partnership through circumstance. I know we aren't exactly on stable footing but she's still Elle, and I still love and trust her. And hopefully tonight we can have that much-needed face-to-face talk. I need to come clean about my friendship with Chloe and how she saved me from flunking out. She's the closest thing I'll ever have to what Elle and Lee have. We're not the Wonder Twins but she's been there for me when I really, truly needed someone.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the rising music and my eyes find Elle, pulling me toward her like a magnet. They're good, like really good. Glad to see he's not gonna tank this for her. They have a lot of chemistry as partners, and I chalk that up to the countless hours they've spent practicing together. The look on Elle's face is pure sunshine. She's having the time of her life up there and I hope the judges see it too. She deserves this more than anyone. I see Elle say something to Marco and he gets into position for one of their stunts. He does a backflip and then they do a Dirty Dancing-esque lift. Yeah, I just made that reference, Elle's made me watch it at least a dozen times, and if anyone wants to question if I love her, I'll prove it to them with my extensive chick flick knowledge from watching all her favorite movies together over the summer. Before I know it I'm on my feet, shouting and cheering. I know they've just clinched the win with that move, it was pretty damn impressive. And before I know it the song is over and they're just standing there in their final pose, nose to nose, staring at each other, and my heart starts racing and all I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears as I see them lean in and deliver the death blow. They're kissing. He's kissing her. She's kissing him back.

What. The. Fuck.

I'm frozen, my vision turned red. My throat feels like it's closing, and I think I might hurl. It's probably only a minute later, though it feels like hours when she finally sees me. That breaks my trance. Her big doe eyes go huge, clearly surprised to see me here. I just shake my head and turn, stalking out of the arena. If I don't get out of here now, I'm gonna do something I regret, like march onto that stage and deck Marco right in his stupid, home-wrecking mouth on the national live stream. I make it out to my bike before I do indeed spill the contents of my stomach onto the asphalt. I don't even know how I'm going to face her. Seeing her kiss him made me physically ill and I feel the betrayal settle in my stomach like a punch to the gut. I speed out of the parking lot, just needing to put as much distance between myself and this place as I can.

Congratu-fucking-lations, Elle.


I struggled with this chapter a little because I honestly always felt like Noah was kind of being a shitty boyfriend but I tried to stay neutral and put myself in his shoes. Let me know how I did.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all characters and existing storylines belong to Beth Reekles and Netflix, Music to ABBA.

I love your feedback, so please vote if you like it and I love reading your comments! Also, any song requests or suggestions be great, or just a song that any of these parts remind you of. I always need new music.

Besos! xx

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