Tokyo Drifting

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Tokyo Drifting by Daya

I wanna die
When I think about the stupid shit I said to you
When I was tired
I hate my mind
Swear I ruin things to make myself miserable
Can't tell you why
It's like you're
Circling my head in a taxi, all day
Can I just?
Can I just jump in the backseat?
'Cause I'd do anything to find my way back
'Cause I know what I'm missing now
While you're driving away from that underpass
I'm in Tokyo drifting out
I'm lost in all the lights, I've
Spent one too many nights, I'm
Just looking for a way to get the picture out my mind
Of you driving away from that underpass
I'm in Tokyo drifting out
I'm miles away
In Harajuku buying shoes that make me look like you
It's not the same
Still hear your voice
I'm going in and out of all the karaoke bars
To dull the noisе
It's like you're
Circling my head in a taxi, all day
Can I just?
Can I just jump in thе backseat?
'Cause I'd do anything to find my way back
'Cause I know what I'm missing now
While you're driving away from that underpass
I'm in Tokyo drifting out
I'm lost in all the lights, I've
Spent one too many nights, I'm
Just looking for a way to get the picture out my mind
Of you driving away from that underpass
I'm in Tokyo drifting out
'Cause I'd do anything to find my way back
'Cause I know what I'm missing now
While you're driving away from that underpass
I'm in Tokyo drifting out
I'm lost in all the lights, I've
Spent one too many nights, I'm
Just looking for a way to get the picture out my mind
Of you driving away from that underpass
I'm in Tokyo drifting out


Elle's POV

I hadn't been sure of this whole prom thing after everything went down with Lee and Noah. Noah had said he wanted to take me to prom, but then everything had fallen apart and he had basically fallen off the face of the Earth. I hadn't seen him since that day, two weeks ago. I had, however, managed to finally mend things with Lee and he insisted I go to prom with he and Rachel. Things had only just moved off the rocks and I knew this was his way of trying to make up for everything. I knew he could see that I was hurting and he didn't want to leave me at home, alone, while he went and partied at prom, so even though I didn't really feel like going, I went, for the sake of our friendship and to accept Lee's olive branch. I mean, I had already bought a dress, and I couldn't let it go to waste. 

When we walked in, I was in awe. The student council had really pulled out all the stops. The theme was memories and they had all of these incredible pictures from throughout the year displayed all along the walls. It was really and truly incredible. I was in a fair amount of them, and I smiled, remembering the simpler times. I even smiled when I saw pictures of Noah, wishing that he was the one with me right now, literally walking down memory lane. Lee gave me a questioning look and I just shook my head and gave him a small smile that I knew didn't quite reach my eyes. At the end of the hall into the ballroom I could see people all gathered around. We rounded the corner and I saw what it was they were all looking a. It was the kissing booth, looking exactly the way it did at the carnival. When people saw Lee and I they all applauded, thanking us for helping create some of the best memories of the year. I curtsied to the crowd and Lee jumped up onto the platform and beckoned to Rachel to follow. She did and they recreated their first kiss, the night that everything began for them. I cheered with the rest of the crowd, but there was also a sharp sadness that reminded me of what that night had meant for me, and how many things had changed since then, not all for the best. That was until I saw the one and only, Noah Flynn standing there, looking right at me. 

He was always gorgeous, but something about him standing there in a tux just took his hotness to another level, and I felt like I couldn't breathe with I'm standing there, looking at me like that. for just those few seconds, it was like it was just he and I, and no one else existed. Then he took another step towards me and spoke.

"Elle, I think you're next up."

I froze. Everyone had quieted down, waiting to see how this would all play out, even Lee's attention had been pulled away from Rachel, his eyes flickering between his older brother and I. I couldn't do this right now, especially not here.

"I'm sorry, Noah," I said, shaking my head. "I can't." I turned to leave, ready to sprint to the doors.

"No, Elle, wait, please! Elle." 

He was right behind me now. I turned back to look at him. 

"Why?" I asked. "Why should I?"

He stared at me for a moment, then, taking a deep breathe, he said the last thing I ever expected.

"Because I love you."

My heart did a somersault in my chest. 

"And standing here in front of everyone, I'm telling you that I love you."

I felt like I had just won the lottery, but then at the same time I remembered everything that had happened and how it had almost made my entire life collapse, and I just didn't think I had it in me to go through all of that again. 

"I'm sorry," I said, feeling dejected. "I just, I can't keep hurting people that I care about because of you. Okay? Nobody wants us to be together." The tears were welling up in my eyes and I could feel my voice betray me by letting everyone feel how shaken I was feeling. 

"Well, that may be true, but what do you want?" he asked me, his emotions breaking through his tough exterior and showing plainly on his face, his face that was filled with hope, fear, earnest, but most of all, love. 

"I want..." I didn't know what I wanted from him, and my fight or flight had kicked in, and I had the overwhelming urge to flee. "I want to go." And I turned and ran as fast as I could in a prom dress and heels. I heard him call after me, but he didn't try to follow. Rachel, however, did and I could hear her calling my name but I couldn't stop, I wouldn't. Not until I was as far away from this mess as possible, because I knew if I looked into Noah's eyes for one more second, I would have caved and thrown everything away for him, and I knew that wasn't an option. I jumped in the first cab I could and rode home, sobbing the entire way. I'm sure the driver thought I was insane, but thankfully he didn't say anything. 

By the time I got home it was nearly midnight, almost my birthday. When I entered my bedroom, I noticed a box with a bow on top waiting for me on my bed. I assumed it was just a gift from my dad he had left to surprise me, but when I opened it, it was so much more than just a birthday gift. Inside was a picture of my mom and I and written on it, in her handwriting was a message. It read, Happy Birthday, Elle. I'll always be with you. Love, Mom. I thought I was done crying , but when I red that message from her, the floodgates opened again and the only thing I could do was crawl into bed, turn on some music, and hug the photo close to my chest. I wished more than anything that she was here right now, she would know what to do. I wished that I could tell her all about Noah, everything he had said to me tonight, how much I wanted to run to him and be held by him, and how much I wanted to tell him that I loved him too. I felt like I was drifting, and I would have done anything to have her there to steady me and tell me what to do, but she wasn't and I had to figure it out myself.

'Cause I'd do anything to find my way back
'Cause I know what I'm missing now
While you're driving away from that underpass

I'm in Tokyo drifting out

I just laid there, letting the music wash over me until I finally cried myself to sleep.


Sorry it's been a hot second since I posted but I was having a bit of writer's block, but here are two chapters to make up for it! Please vote and comment, I love you're feedback! Thanks!

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