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Yesterday was a long day and all I wanted to do was stay in bed and cuddle with Billie.

Billie woke up and she tried to get up but I wouldn't let her.

"Baby,let me go."
"No, I want you to stay here."
"I have to go to the studio with finneas today."
"Can I come with you?" I asked pouting.

We got ready and we drove there.

I hopped out the car really excited because I never seen the studio. (Let's pretend they are not in the small bedroom and that they're in an actual studio)

"Calm down baby, come on." She said holding her hand out.

I grabbed her hand, and we walked into the studio. It was really big and nice.

I saw finneas.

"Sup fin, i brung someone with me"
"Hi finneas."
"Hey y/n

We walked into the room they were going to record their song.

I sat in a spinning chair and stared spinning in it.

Billie watched me spin in it. After 2 minutes of spinning in the chair, I got up and and almost fell but Billie caught me.

"ThE wOrLd Is SpInNiNg." I say giggling.
"Baby, be careful." Billie says laughing.

Billie and finneas start recording a song.

While they were doing that I was messing around with things. I had some things I carry in my bag cause I play with a lot of stuff.

I have fidget toys(ewwww). I have pop it's, fidget spinner, rubic cube, etc.

I played with those so I won't mess anything up. I zoned out into me own little world

"Y/n, y/n" Billie kept calling my name.
"Hu, wha."
"I'm done, we can go home and cuddle now."

We got home and I ran up stairs and into the room. I jumped up and down on the bed. Billie came in and she just watched me be a little kid.

She knew I was going to be tired soon so she didn't stop me.

"Come here." Billie said holding out her arms. I jumped off the bed and into her arms.

She held me by my thighs. I yawned and we laid down on the bed and put on a movie. Billie wanted to watch a scary movie.

Billie knows i hate scary movies. She put the scary movie in and turned the lights off.

I was already scared and the movie didn't start yet.

There was a jump scared and I screamed and and jumped on Billie and went under the covers.

I'm under the covers shaking, while Billie is laughing her ass off.

"Billie it's not funny."
"Yes it is." She says trying to catch her breath.

I stayed on top of Billie. I laid my head on her chest and listened to her heart beat until I fell asleep.

A/N:tbh this is so cringe I want to cry. This is horrible.

Xoxo babes❤️

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