05. Luck

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''Jaem?'' Mark knocked on the already opened door.

Jaemin who was seated on the window sill, didn't mind turning his head as he knew who it was. ''I'm here.'' he said softly, continuing what he was doing.

''Watching the sky again?''

He simply nodded, folding his legs and making space for the older. He heard Mark giggling in a silent way and somehow sitting facing him.

''You know, I still don't understand why you like sky gazing.'' Mark said also eyeing the shady clouds.

''Why? Because angels are from the sky?'' Jaemin questioned, still his eyes focused on the dark clouds. ''Am I not allowed to like it just because those pathetic creatures live there?''

''I didn't say that.''

''You sounded like that.''

''You have answers for everything.''

''You have questions for everything.''

Mark sighed. ''I can never win arguing with you.''

''You taught me to never back down. Your fault.''

''Yeah.... I've done so many things in the wrong way....''

That took Jaemin's attention. He swiftly eyed the older, noticing the tension he had in his eyes. ''What's with the tone?''

Mark shook his head, squinting his eyes and watching the clouds. ''Nothing serious.''

''Do I have to know or....?''

''You don't have to.''

''Are you okay?''

Mark chuckled, looking at the boy. ''That's a weird question coming from you.''



He really wasn't the type to care for others.

Before Mark entered his room, he was thinking about the war that was about to unfold. Thinking about so many stuff, somehow the other his mind went off to thinking about himself.

Was he that bad of a person?

More like a demon.

Did he really not care for others?

''That really isn't my thing I guess.'' he finally decided, having a side smile on his face.

''Come on, I didn't say that.'' Mark quickly added. ''To answer your question, yes, I'm okay.''

''I don't care.'' he set his eyes back on the gloomy sky.

Mark reached in and flicked Jaemin’s forehead. ''Idiot.'' he muttered. ''Yes, you care.''

''Hyung!'' he half yelled, rubbing his forehead. ''You know I don't like when you do that.''

Mark simply laughed.

Jaemin knew that the older loved doing that to him, including ruffling his hair which he did not like at all. But it was Mark, and Mark had every freedom to do anything with him.

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