11. Crown

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He got startled at the sudden call. Knowing to whom that voice belonged, he hummed a small yes and waited for the older to come and sit next to him. He was surprised as to why he didn't feel Mark's presence near him until the boy spoke.

Was he thinking too much that he forgot about the real world?


''What are you thinking about?'' Mark took the question right out of his mouth. ''Didn't see you for the whole day.''

''Oh.... just... didn't feel the need to go out.''

''Is that so? But didn't you tell that you were going to see that angel?''

Jaemin fixed his focus on the golden blue sky. The sun was about to set. Another night was about to unfold. For some reason Jaemin was feeling weird. He felt like he wasn't being himself.

''I did.'' he said honestly.

He would never lie to Mark. Also he needed someone to talk at the moment so why not?

Mark nodded and put his legs out of the window sill and adjusted himself. Heaving a sigh, Jaemin leaned on the window frame, folding his legs up and half hugging them.



''Do our hearts beat?''

After a deadly silence Mark let out a low giggle. ''Why do you ask?''

The younger shrugged his shoulders and waited for an answer.

He watched the older who was thinking while swinging his legs. If anyone knew about those things, it was Mark.

''I don't know really,'' the Lee said at last. ''We do have hearts but I've never felt mine being there.'' he poked his chest.

Jaemin waited for more.

''They do beat, I guess.... but not as loud as a human's. Only low up and downs just to make sure we aren't actually dead.''


Then why did he feel like that before? As if this so called heart was about to explode? He was pretty sure it was not normal among the demon community.

''Why do you ask tho?'' Mark repeated the question. ''Did something happen?''

Sighing, Jaemin too copied Mark's sitting position and got closer to him. Their legs were almost tangling together, feeling nothing but thin air around them. For a moment they both said nothing and stared at the sky. It was already getting darker.

''Hey,'' Mark nudged the boy by his shoulder. ''You can talk to me if something is up, you know that right?''

He knew.

But still he was not energized enough to talk about it. Everything was painfully slow and he needed to do something nerve wrecking. He wanted to kill someone or burn down a city.

All he needed was some chaos to distract himself.

''Forget it.'' he gave a millisecond smile at the older and looked back at the sky.

The sun was gone. Only a pinch of yellow could be seen from a far. Within few minutes it would be officially night.

''Okay then tell me when you feel like--''

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