Chapter 13: Lothlorien and The Lady Galadriel.

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The Fellowship had run out of Moria. The Sun had never shined so bright. The Air had never smelled so fresh. But the weather seemed like an insult after what had happened. They were clearly morning the loss of their friend, Gandalf. They were all heartbroken.

Arya threw down her sword needle in anger. Sansa fell down to her knees and started to get tears in her eyes. Sam was doing the same. Merry had tried to comfort a crying Pippin. And Boromir was hugging an angry Gimli.

"Is it... dead?" The Hound asked.

"His name was Gandalf!" Arya snapped.

"I meant... that Balrog thing." The Hound corrected.

Jon nodded. "But it took Gandalf with him." He answered.

The Hound looked at the 2 Stark Girls deep in despair.

Jon went over to Sansa. "Sansa..." He started to say.

"He watched for me when I got here. He's..." Sansa sobbed. Although she got to only know Gandalf for a couple of days, he felt like a Fatherly figure to her. Or a Grandfather.

Jon gave her a hug. He had a hunch over what Gandalf meant to her. Especially their talk in the Mines. That was when he noticed Arya took Sansa's hand. "I'm sorry." She said.

Sansa seemed to get back on her feet. "We'll destroy that ring. We'll throw it straight down that Mountain in Mordor. We'll do it for Gandalf." She declared. 

"For Gandalf." Jon agreed.

Aragorn was cleaning his sword off. "Legolas, get them up." He ordered.

Legolas seemed reluctant at first, but he trusted Aragorn's judgement. He went on to doing just that.

"Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" Boromir exclaimed.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs." Aragorn pointed out. 

Arya grumbled. She would not want to encounter these Orcs again. "So where do we go?" She asked.

"We must reach the woods of Lothlorien." Aragorn answered. "Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Hound, Jon, get them up." He commanded as he reached a tearful Sam and lifted him. "On your feet, Sam." He then went over to Frodo. "Frodo?"

Frodo was walking away in the distance. "Frodo!" Aragorn called again. Frodo had stopped walking, tears rolling down his cheek. The death of Gandalf had effected him as bad as the others. He didn't want anyone to die for him. And now, Gandalf. The man he had known since forever was gone. Just like that.

"And who put him in charge?" The Hound asked.

"Gandalf did." Jon answered.

The Fellowship had run past a group of stream and set their sights at a meadow in the woods. There was something about the place that felt, mystical. 

"What's this place?" Arya asked. 

"Lothlorien, Lady Stark." Aragorn answered.

"Not a lady." Arya clarified. Sansa glared at her. "Seriously. I hate being called that."

"What is Lothlorien, exactly?" Jon asked.

"A place of darkness and evil." Gimli answered.

"Don't be ridiculous, Gimli." Aragorn replied. "There is no evil in Lothlorien. Unless someone brings evil with them."

"Like an evil ring." Sansa thought.

Once crossing into the Meadow. Gimli stuck to the Hobbits. "Stay close young hobbits." He cautioned as he held Frodo's arms. "They say there's a great sorceress lives in these woods. And Elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell..."

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