Chapter 10: Critical condition

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Hot on the trail of the clairvoyant the team that consists of Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Skye, Grant Ward, Leo Fitz, and Jemma Simmons boarded a train.

Their covers were simple. Simmons and Coulson would play father and daughter mourning the loss of their wife/mother. Fitz and Skye would be American tourists. May and Ward would be a rich woman and her butler.

To Skye seeing May in a fur coat was funny and kind of a turn on which May could feel through their bond. May walked in to her cabin room which was for the rich people and so did Ward. There May took off her fur coat to reveal her mission suit. Ward stripped and put his suit on.

Ward expected May to watch him change he thought that she would be attracted to him but he wasn't prepared to find out that she didn't look at all and she wasn't attracted to him not one bit.

She put on her googles and went towards the roof of the train. This is where the mission started to go down hill. Ward and Coulson had somehow ended up iced in a ditch off the train. May had been thrown off the train as well by people from cyber-tech.

They had somehow been tipped off that Shield had infiltrated the train that had their weapons on it and sent people to recover the weapons safely.

The Italian government tipped of cyber-tech for money which is stupid they are a corrupted government system that Shield would blame later.

Simmons had somehow ended up going towards Fitz and Skye's location. Skye had pick locked the room that the computers and weapons were in. Fitz immediately got to work and Skye started to hack.

When the door opened Fitz held the icer out but it was only Simmons. Until Simmons was knocked out by a guard. Fitz growled as his mate went down and started shooting at the guard.

When the guard went down they hid Simmons' body to keep her safe and then they left the train.

Skye and Fitz went to Ian Quinn's mansion or base of operations for the time being and knew they couldn't let Quinn get away.

So Skye proposed that she went in whilst Fitz disabled the cars. They tried to mind link the pack but all they got was static which was weird.

So Skye went on in and went towards the basement with her icer. When she got there she saw a hyperbaric chamber that held the body of Mike Peterson who she thought died but apparently wasn't dead.

He was missing a leg and he had burn marks on his body from the explosion. She looked at Mike sadly.

That was until she heard a voice. "Hello." Ian Quinn said. She turned around once she heard the voice and held her icer up at him. Another man who Skye didn't know the name of stole her gun and pointed it at her pressing her up against the hyperbaric chamber.

"The clairvoyant told me to expect you." Quinn said. "Signor Quinn" Mancini said. "This is the same gun on the specs you gave us." Mancini said. "Yeah the guys been looking at us, while we've been looking at you." Quinn said.

"And we've found a handful of particularly interesting things." Quinn. Says opening the hyperbaric chamber and pulling Mike out. He then pulls out a mechanic leg and attaches it to Mike. Making sure Mancini leaves while doing so.

When Mike wakes up he looks around. He sees Skye and she tries to talk to him. Quinn doesn't let her talk to him and instead helps him put the leg on. A bunch of mechanical sounds come from the leg as it attached to Mike.

Mike grunted as the leg came on and then stood up. The leg formed and he tried to walk on it. Then Quinn pulled a gun out and asked Mike if he would shoot Skye. Skye grew very nervous and looked at Mike pleadingly.

When Mike said that she wasn't his mission he left Skye alone with Quinn. She tried to follow Mike but turned around. "What did you do to him?" Skye asked but then a loud bang went off. Skye looked down only to see she was shot.

She stumbled backwards and Quinn caught her only to put the gun to her abdomen and shoot again. This bullet went straight through her stomach and then Quinn gently dropped Skye onto the ground.

Meanwhile May had found Coulson, Ward and Simmons. They were on their way tracking Skye and Fitz. The tracker stopped and they drove towards the dot. All of a sudden May keeled over in obvious pain.

The pain wasn't hers though and Simmons eyes widened. One of May's pack mates were hurt. What if it was Fitz or Skye? May was worrying trying to call out to her pack mates and her pup but she wasn't getting an answer.

On the other side of the country the packs were having a meeting. Everyone who wasn't on a mission which was Victoria Hand's whole pack except Simmons and Natasha Romanoff's whole pack except May, Skye, and Fitz. Peggy was at the head of the table when all of a sudden Natasha's whole pack keeled over in obvious pain.

Bobbi was feeling it the worst though. The only thing Bobbi could think of was Skye. She wanted to know if her mate was hurt. Natasha was worried about her three missing pack mates and she didn't know who was hurt. Victoria Hand's pack were all worried since a wolf was hurt. It took a lot to hurt a wolf.

The only obvious thing they can't avoid is bullets. They tried the pack link but it wasn't currently working.

Back with the team. Coulson's team had finally pulled up to the mansion and May stumbled out of the car.

In the middle of the street under a car Fitz is laying on the dirt road clutching his stomach. Simmons ran up towards Fitz along with the rest of the team. Fitz was rolling around holding his stomach in pain.

Coulson is looking between Fitz and May curiously because they're both clutching their stomachs in the same place. But neither are actually injured. He grew worried.

"Fitz where's Skye?" Ward asked not seeing his trainee anywhere around. "She didn't want Quinn to get away." Fitz replied his voice came out cracked due to the pain in his stomach.

Ward ran in with two icers shooting down anyone he saw. Coulson ran in and spotted Quinn he immediately went in to cuff him. He saw dried blood on Quinn's hands and he became concerned. "Where's Skye?" Coulson asked Quinn.

"You know if you care about her so much why do you keep sending her in alone?" Quinn asked. "Spread out. Find her. NOW!" Coulson ordered.

Simmons and Fitz ran upstairs. Ward ran into another room and May looked on the right side of the compound.

Coulson went towards the basement and saw a door open.

As soon as Coulson saw her he was worried out of his mind. "Oh no, oh no. Simmons Get Down Here!" Coulson yelled.

Simmons hearing his voice from upstairs due to her wolf hearing ran down the stairs quickly followed by the whole team.

Once everyone saw Skye was shot and heavily bleeding they started to panic. May saw nothing but red and her body started to rapidly shake.

Fitz saw his injured pack mate near death and he started to shake as well. Simmons saw this and got worried they'd phase right on the spot.

"Oh, she's losing to much blood." Simmons said. She tried to find a solution so Skye wouldn't die and she spotted the hyperbaric chamber. "Put her in there." Simmons pointed. "What is it?" Coulson asked worriedly.

"It's a hyperbaric chamber and I said put her in there." They all quickly and carefully picked Skye up and put her Inside the chamber and dropped her core temperature.

"Is it working?" May asked worriedly for her pup. "Is It Working?" Coulson yelled. Skye finally breathed and May sighed in relief as did Fitz. "For now." Simmons said.

They quickly loaded Quinn and Skye into the plane. Skye went to the med bay and Quinn to the interigation room. No one picked their phones up.

All the wolves were busy trying to make sure Skye would get to the hospital okay so they silenced their phones.

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