The Story Begins

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My horse gallops down the road alongside my companion's at top speed. I risk a glance over my shoulder.

There's no sight of the thieves.

"Are they still on our tails?"

Isabella asks.

I shake my head.

"No. It seems we've finally lost them."

Isabella runs her gauntlet clad fingers through her long, strawberry blonde hair and huffs out a heavy sigh of relief. She  flinches as her hair gets caught in the armor.

"About damn time! I thought we would end up running our horses into the ground before we lost them."

I laughed.

"You have so little faith in your horses, Isabella."

She shrugs.

"We've been riding nonstop for fucking hours, Angelus.

You can't blame me for worrying."

This time, I am the one who shrugs.

"I suppose you are right."

We ease up on the reigns so that the horses slow down.

I speak up once again.

"Regardless of what happened, it was great fun.

Although, I still can't believe we missed the scouts and let ourselves be ambushed."

Isabella glares at the ground and shakes her head.

"We wouldn't have needed to go in the first place if the damn fopdoodles would just use the black market like the rest of us! They think they're above us, but they're nothing more than churls!"

I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Relax. You'll end up with a mole or something."

Isabella looks at me as though I've grown a second head.


I shrug. "I was told stress causes moles."

"Where did you hear that foppish tale?"


"And you believe it?"


Isabella sighs and keeps riding.

I ride close behind.

After another hour, we arrive at our village.

Thank the gods that we arrived with plenty of time for me to go to work.

Valentine would have me executed if I were late.

"Made it! Looks like you'll get to see the light of day after all, Angelus."

I nod with a sigh.

"Yes. It seems so..."

Isabella rubs my back.

"You know I would gladly take my sword to his throat."

I shake my head.

We've discussed this.

"You could.

But he's a lord.

And one with great influence.

He would surely be missed and many  people would go to great lengths to find out who is responsible.

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