Time With My Newest Friend

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"Blurrrg!" Splat! The first thing I hear the next morning is Alastor retching into the chamberpot in my room. Poor lad. I knew he would have a hangover. I sit up and look over in his direction. With my mind being the blurry mess it is, I ask the most brilliant question. "Are you ok?"

I can feel the irritation coming from him as he glares at me through sweat soaked bangs.

"Yes. Perfectly peachy. Whatever gave you the idea I would not be?" He then turns his head back towards the pot and vomits again. I stand up and approach him.

"Alright. I don't have to go to work till later, so I am free to tend to you. Pa and Arthur will be in town selling some of the goods from the farm and Minevera will be out with her friends doing whatever women do together. Which means we have the house to ourselves. Lie down. I will make you breakfast. I know just what you need to feel better. Believe it or not, a good meal is one of the remedies out there for hangovers. Ok? Sound good?"

Alastor nods feebly and leans against me. He must really feel like shit, because for the first time since we met that night at the mollyhouse he is not smiling. I lift him up and lay him down on my bed.

"Are you comfortable?"

Alastor nods.

"Good. Try to sleep while I make breakfast. You will be eating in bed."

He says nothing and closes his eyes. I leave the room so he can rest and go to the kitchen to start making breakfast.


"Alastor. Wake up. You need to eat."

Alastor groans and slowly opens his eyes. He blinks a few times, probably clearing his vision the best he can without his glasses on.

"Feelin' any better?"

"A little."

"Can you sit up without retching?"

Alastor tries and manages to do so with success. I nod and give him the tray. "Good. Now eat up. Slow. Or you will end up sick again."

He nods and looks down at his plate.

"Eel? Eggs and bread are normal, but eel? What the devil?" Alastor pokes at it with his fork with a look of pure confusion on his face. I laugh.

"Tis a good remedy for a hangover. It soaks up the alcohol."

"I am not eating eel."

"It will make you feel better."




"If you do not, I will chew it up and spit it down your throat."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I will! So help me, I will!"

"Alright! Fine!" He shoves a forkful into his mouth and promptly spits it out.

"Tis raw!"

"Oops. I should have said raw eel is good for a hangover. My apologies." I am not sorry at all. This is hilarious.

"Poppycock! You do not sound sorry in the least!"

"Just eat the eel. My kiss offer still stands."

"No! I do not want you to spit anything in my mouth. That would be disgusting!"

"Then eat the damn eel!"

With a huff, he scarfs down the eel. Well, he didn't scarf it, but he was definitely in a hurry for it to be off his plate. He eats one slice of the bread with an egg on top. Interesting. Last he drinks the water.

"You feel much better now, don't you?"

"My head is aching as though an axe is buried in it."

"Sorry. I can not help you with that. But at least you feel better for the most part, right?"

"... Yes."


"Is there not an apothecary or something of the sort? Potion maker?"

I pause. "Actually, yeah. A wolf person. They practice magic and natural remedies. Do you want to get something for your headache?"

Alastor nods. "Please." He looks around. "Where are my glasses?"

I pick them up off the table and hand them to him. "Right beside you, fopdoodle."

"No need for the insults. I find it hard to see without them."

"Alright, alright. I apologize. I'm serious this time"

"You sound sincere this time." He looks like he's noticed something. "Where's your food?"

"Huh? Oh. I wanted to make sure you had enough. I'll eat when you're done." In truth, I had forgotten to make myself breakfast. Alastor shakes his head, looking at me disapprovingly.

"Angelus, you need to eat something. Don't wait on me. Ok?" He offers me his plate. "I'm finished. You can have it."

I shake my head. "I can get whatever I need from the farm, Al. I'll be fine."

"Then what else should I do with it?"

Just then, my piglet waddles into the room and starts trying to eat what's in the chamberpot.



Alastor and I speak in unison as I lift Nugsies into my arms.

"That's disgusting!" Alastor say immediately after saying ew. I snatch up Al's leftovers and take a big bite out of them before feeding them to my pig.

"There. Your egg and bread have been taken care of."

"You need more than that."

"Alright. Fine, daaaaad."

"That's the first time you've called me dad."

"Won't be the last time either, daddy.~" I wink.

Alastor turns bright red.

"Oh, no! I don't like this anymore! I'm leaving!" He jumps out of bed and start to storm out. I call after him.

"But you don't know your way around!"

He pauses and turns around.

"That's right! But that means you're stuck with me too! And I have plenty of bad jokes! Everyone loves those!"

"Sard!" I shout and leap over my bed and go to the window. I am now attempting to open it, but it's stuck. So I resort to beating on it with the palm of my hand. "LET ME THE HELL OUT!"

"Ow- Angelus. Dear. That was a bit too loud."

I turn on my heels. "Oh, shit! Sorry, Al." I roll across my bed to get to him and pet his head.

"What the devil?!" He wiggles out of my grasp.

"Oops. Sorry again, Al."

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Let's just go visit this witch."

"They prefer magician. Or apothicaree."

Alastor looks confused. "Apothecary?"

"Yeah. That."

Alastor snorts and walks out of the room and out of the house. I follow after.


Here is a video for those of you who didn't catch the reference.

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