One Blooming Mess

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In the corner, the bards start playing music. They are dodging chairs and ale mugs, but they somehow manage to play perfectly. Must be bewitched or something. I haven't a bloody clue. Let us hope those fopdoodles don't get hurt. Because I don't have a sword, I end up fist fighting. I wind up with a few more cuts and bruises, but tis nothing I cannot handle. I see someone about to throw a chair at Isabella and I shove her out of the way. The chair catches me in the head, causing me to fall. Pentious, not even upset because he saw what happened, rushes over to help his Cherri. I lie there for a few seconds to catch my breath. Soon, Alastor is by my side. He still wears a smile, but I see concern in his eyes. He lends me a hand. "Art thou alright, Angelus?"

I nod as I allow him to haul me up by the hand.

"Yes. I am fiiiiii-" I am cut off by a chain wrapping around me and being yanked. The bastard who did it is a werewolf, so when they yank, they yank just hard enough to send me flying like a mace.  "Oof-" I land with a hard thud. Once again I am tempted to moan and beg to be hit harder. Once again, I refrain. Alastor glares at the man who did it and launches himself at him. I lie on the ground with the chains still wrapped around my arms. I do not bother trying to get out. They are made of metal, so tis pointless. Instead I just roll out of the way of the way of people and objects being thrown in my direction. After nearly killing the guy, Alastor finally comes to my rescue. With blood covered hands, he undid the chains that had somehow gotten tangled. After I'm free, he asks once again.

"Are you still alright?"

I nod, though I am still winded and slightly dizzy.

"Tis but a few minor injuries. I have had worse."

Alastor's smile falters for a second. Literally one second. I almost missed it. He doesn't say anything though.


Within seconds we are all scrambling to clean up and sit back down. With luck, we manage to do just that. Alastor seems to be ready to protect me just in case. The bards, miraculously still unharmed, change the music to something that is still lively, but not as chaotic. The guards search the place for a lad named Alistare or something. He's wearing a grey tunic with a red coat and armor plates and gauntlets. Black hair and red eyes. Psychotic smile. Skin like leather. I look over at Alastor. His name is the only thing remotely similar. The guards pause when they question us and here his name. But they eventually come to the same conclusion that I did and let him go.

"If any of you see this murder, let us or one of the higher ups know. He is dangerous. So far he seems to be attacking  people who have been known to harm women, but we do not know who else he may kill. Another thing. He rips out his victims organs. So if any of you find a corps like that, report it Immediately. Thank your jolly cooperation!"

They leave and everything goes back to normal. Until the bards start playing a certain song. One I have heard many a time. It reminds me of Valentine. How I felt when I realized I was just a property to him. I was in love with him, and he broke mine heart.

As the woman sings on stage, I fight to hold back tears. This time Isabella is the first to notice, Alastor shortly after. I had suddenly gone quite during our conversation. Alastor had been listening without saying much.

"What is wrong?"

"Art thou alright?"

They ask simultaneously. I shake my head. Alastor, though hesitantly with a look that says he cannot believe he is doing this and does not know why, pats my shoulder. Pentious looks worried to the point where he seems about to cry. I lean into Alastor's touch without really thinking.

"Do you need to go home?"

"It is getting late. Perhaps we should both leave. Angelus is upset, and I believe I have had enough drink for the night."

At this point, Alastor is slurring his words. So he is most likely right.

"We will go to my place. You are drunk. You will have one nasty hangover."

Isabella, who Alastor has decided to listen to rather than find out the consequences, speaks up.

"Perfect! Shall I escort you?"

"Please." I respond for the both of us. Alastor sighs and goes along with it. Upon better inspection, he appears tired and generally unwell. Yeah. Staying the night with me seems like a good idea.

"Pentious? Art thou coming?"

He nods and wipes his tears.

And just like that, he is just the same as always. We all leave as soon as Isabella pays.


Once home, Alastor and I say goodbye to Isabella and Pentious. They leave and we go inside and straight to my room. Immediately, I burst into tears. At the tavern, there are people all around. But here, there is only my family and Alastor. So I can let it out here. And I do. And when I do, Alastor is right there with me. I can tell that he is more comfortable touching me here. We stumble our way to the bed where I lie down. Alastor removes his shoulder plates before getting on the bed behind me.

"Um... I can hold you... If that will help." Alastor offers.

I nod. "Please."

Alastor wraps his arms around me with less hesitation than usual.

"Do you want to talk about what happened at the tavern?"

I shake my head. "No. It is ancient history."

"It clearly still bothers you."

I sigh. I don't want to upset someone who is just trying to be nice. Not to mention Valentine would be pissed if he doesn't come back to the mollyhouse because of me. Throw in the effects of holding things in and you have a bloomin' mess.

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