Meeting the Slytherins Part 2

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Hermione's POV

Why on earth would I be in the House of Slytherin? I'm muggle-born. The platinum blonde-haired boy said his name was Draco Malfoy. He was confused as I was considering I was a muggle. After the great feast in the hall we all went to our common rooms. The slytherins decided to play 20 questions and spin the bottle and I decided to join in to fit in.

"Why are you here Granger?" a girl named Pansy asked. I replied with because I was sorted in here like all of you. Draco said, "Well I've never seen your parents before." What did he mean by that? My parents were muggles. I wrote to my parents.

Dear Mum and Dad, I was just sorted into the house of slytherin but I don't seem to fit in. The kids say the only reason I should be in this house is if my parents are death eaters. Am I missing out on something that I was never told? Anyways I must be going to bed, I have classes starting tomorrow and you know me I must get rested if I wanna do my best at school. Love your daughter Mione

Draco's POV

That Granger girl seems out of place but she is very intriguing. I've never met a slytherin like her before. Maybe I should become friends with her and get to know her better.

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