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A/N: I'm baaaaaaack!!

Harry's POV

Alright we must stick together if we want to find Hermione and Draco. We will go in partners to find them. Let's get them back. We opened the manor gates and apparated inside. I heard moaning in the door nearest me and unlocked it with alohomora. It was cold in the room. I started down the stairs.

Hermione's POV

I started to heal Draco after I healed myself with wandless magic. Draco started moaning because of the pain. I heard someone upstairs coming to the door. I hushed Draco thinking we were both going for another torture. I heard the figure begin to walk down the stairs when I saw the familiar black haired friend. Harry I yelled. He hushed me and ran to Draco and I and unchained us. We were finally free. He let the others know he found us and we apparated to hogsmeade.
Once we got to Hogwarts, Draco and I went to the hospital wing. Madam pomfrey healed us and we then went to our heads dorm. Every morning I had to help put cream on Draco's back. I have to admit he looks good without a shirt on. Once I put cream on his back, we dressed in our robes and we were off to potions together. Draco and I sat together with Harry and Ron on my right and Ginny and Luna on the left. As soon as professor slughorn arrived we started making amortentia. Draco and I were the first ones done and we each sniffed it. I smelled green apples, fresh cut grass and mint. I wondered what Draco smelled. Draco and I walked out hand in hand of potions to the library. I started to study and write parchments for projects that weren't due for weeks while Draco wandered eating a green apple. You know the librarian doesn't like food I spoke. "Well she'll have to find me first," Draco said with a smirk plastered on his face. "Malfoy, no food in the library," Ms pince said. Draco dropped his apple and I giggled and said I told you so! I packed up my books and we left to our dorms.

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