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A/N: Go to http://www.polyvore.com/hermiones_wedding_circle/set?id=190544803 to see the girls' dresses.


"As you all know, Hermione and Draco are now engaged," Professor McGonagall stated. "We will be having the ceremony here at the castle and all of you are welcome. That will be all," Professor McGonagall ended with.

Everyone was looking straight at Draco and I but we didn't care. We were happy together and that's all that mattered. Draco and I walked to our corridor hand in hand. We fell asleep next to each other.



"Mione wake up!" I was jolted awake by Ginny. I looked to my left and Draco was missing.

"Uh Ginny? Where's Draco?"

"He's out with the boys doing marriage shopping. Much like what we should be doing with you now. I finally got you up. Now get cleaned up."

I got out of bed and took a hot shower. I curled my hair using my wand and threw on some comfy clothes. I set out with Ginny, Luna, and Pansy to the dress shop and picked out my perfect wedding dress. I told all the girls we had to pick dresses out for them too. Ginny was my maid of honor and the rest of my ladies were my bridesmaids. The girls helped me pick out this beautiful white dress with cut-out shoulders and lace sleeves. The girls all picked out their dresses. Each dress corresponding to what house they were in. Ginny with a red flare mini dress, Pansy with a green square collar dress, Luna with a blue bloc party dress and Susan with a yellow ruched bodice dress. We were all ready for my wedding in 2 weeks.


I was worried Hermione would be upset I left but the lads told me she would be fine. I truly hoped nothing would happen to her. The guys and I went out to find dress robes for the ceremony in 2 weeks. We all chose the same kind of dress robe but wore corresponding house ties. Harry, Ron and Neville had red ties and Blaise and I had green ties. We all got back from Hogsmeade, we went to the Slytherin corridor while the girls went to the Gryffindor. We just talked about girls. Not me of course because I already had the girl of my dreams. I learned Ron liked Susan Bones, Blaise adored Pansy, and Neville was head over heels for Luna. We set the wedding so Harry would walk down the aisle with Ginny because they were madly in love with eachother. Blaise and Pansy, Ron with Susan, and Neville with Luna would all walk down the aisle together.



"Are you ready honey?"

"As ready as I'll ever be mom."

"Your dad will be here in a minute to walk you down."

"Ok thanks mom and I love you."

"I love you too darling."

I was putting the finishing touches on my make-up and put my heels on when my real dad appeared. I saw him in my mirror. I gasped. "Wh-wh-what are you doing here?"

"I came to support my daughter and I thought I'd come and surprise you."

"Who else is here?"

"Nobody it's just me, I was hoping once you'd got married I could tell you what you were capable of."

"Dad, I don't know. I'm just getting my life started."

"Well if you change your mind, I'll be outside."

With that he left. My adopted dad came in shortly after and took me down the aisle. I had the conversation in the back of my mind and I knew what I had to do.


"Do you Ms. Granger take Draco to be your husband?"

"I do."

"And do you Mr. Malfoy take Hermione to be your wife?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

After the ceremony, Hermione told everyone she had to use the restroom. An hour later people were wondering where she had gone. Hermione was to be never found again.

A/N: I know, it's a terrible ending but I hope to create a sequel soon. Sorry about the cliff hanger! The sequel is called Dramione (Everything Changes) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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