Trying to Make Things Right

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I ran up and down the corridors searching for Hermione.I couldn't find her until I saw a crying mess entering the Gryffindor corridor with Ginny. I ran as fast as I could to the corridor. I banged on the door asking them to open up. The only answer I got was from the fat lady in the portrait of the door and she only complained. She is never going to forgive me.

I faintly heard Draco calling my name but I ignored it and walked with Ginny to the common room. It was the only place I could get away from that foul loathsome evil little cockroach. Once I got in I dropped to the floor only to feel Ginny attempt to heave me onto the couch. Harry walked down the stairs with Ron and they practically dropped everything and ran to me. They asked so many questions. I finally got done with them bombarding me with the questions that I got up and went to the Gryffindor common room. I was mere seconds away from falling asleep when I heard a loud thud on the bedroom window. I got up and noticed it was an owl. To be specific it was Draco's. I carefully untied the note from the fragile bird's ankle and fed it some treats so it wouldn't constantly squawk and wake up the whole corridor. The note said:


I'm terribly sorry you had to hear it this way. I want to apologize for the crimes I've committed and I just want you to forgive me. I hope you read this note and I'm hoping you'd meet me in our common room so we can say our proper good-byes. I'm going to be gone for a while and I know I broke your heart but it would be really nice if I could see you one last time.


I had tears in my eyes. I grabbed all my stuff and headed on my way down to Draco and I's common room.

"Oi, Hermione, where are you going so late at night."

"Oh Ron I didn't know you were still up. I'm going to my common room."

"If this is about Malfoy, I need you to be careful and we will have your back if need be."

"Thanks but I think I'll be alright."

I opened the door and snuck out to visit Draco.


I heard a faint knock on the door. "Come in." There stood Hermione paler than I saw her earlier. "Listen Hermione, I'm terribly sorry and I was wondering if you would come to my trial?"

"I don't know, I think it will be extremely hard if your verdict is azkaban."

"I know, I just need you there as my good luck charm. You mean a lot to me. I love you Hermione and I'll miss you."

She ran to me and embraced me as if she would never let go.

We fell asleep like that with my tear stained shirt and her never letting go of me.

A/N: What did you think? I know kinda sad. If you have any suggestions let me know. I enjoy your comments and I'll try to update soon. I've also started writing on the episode app so I'd appreciate feedback on that as well!

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