Reunion [Kagami Taiga X Reader] Part 2/2 (LEMON)

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You were on a two month class trip to Tokyo, Japan with your Japanese class. You went on this trip in hopes of seeing your best friend and crush Kagami Taiga again. Even though it was a study trip, the teacher and chaperones allowed you guys some time to explore on your own. You stumbled upon a restaurant named Maji Burger which reminded you of the types of restaurants Kagami liked. So you went inside and to your surprise, you ran into Kagami there. The two of you planned to meet there again the next day at 6:00 pm. When you met up again, Kagami confessed his feelings for you and you happily accepted them and became his girlfriend.

~Back to Story~

"You know, I've liked you ever since Himuro introduced me to you. So I'm really happy you feel the same way about me too." You confessed the full truth to Kagami.

"Same. The moment I laid eyes on you, I liked you. Honestly I didn't know if you liked me back, so I refrained from asking you out for a long time. I was afraid I'd ruin the friendship we had. But when I saw you yesterday for the first time in months, I was really happy to see you. In our time apart, my feelings for you had multiplied. So I promised myself I'd confess to you today." Kagami opened up to you. His confession was unusually smooth. You were expecting any confession of his to be forward and a bit awkward based off his personality. But to your surprise, Kagami's confession to you wasn't awkward at all.

"Well I'm glad you finally decided to ask me out." You chuckled as Kagami smiled. Suddenly you stopped chuckling and your smile was replaced with a sad look. This started to worry Kagami.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" Kagami asked you as he reached over and stroked your cheek with his large hand.

"I know we just became boyfriend and girlfriend, but once this trip is over, I'll be heading back to America. I won't be able to see you in person anymore." You said as a tear threatened to leave your eye. Kagami began to realize why you were sad. A sullen silence loomed over your table. Then Kagami got an idea.

"Hey the school semester is almost over, right?" Kagami asked you as you nodded your head yes and wiped a tear off your face.

"You could transfer over to Seirin High School over here once the semester is over. It's a new school so they're accepting lots of new students. I'm sure you would have no problem getting in." Kagami suggested. Your facial expression brightened up as you thought about going to school with Kagami again. But there was one problem.

"That would be nice, but where would I stay? I don't really have any money to rent a place out." You said as a faint blush made its way onto Kagami's face.

"You could stay with me at my place. I live alone in a large apartment. There's plenty of room for you to move in if you don't mind." Kagami said as he scratched the back of his head and averted his gaze to the side, his blush becoming more apparent. You beamed at him as you got up and hugged him from across the table which took him by surprise.

"Oh thank you Taiga! I'd love that!" You said, hugging him tighter as he just smiled and returned the embrace.

"Of course, anything for my girlfriend." Kagami said as you giggled then pulled away from him. Just then the alarm on your phone went off to meet back up with your class.

"Ah damn it!" You said under your breath. Your date with Kagami was over.

"You have to meet up with your class again, huh? Do you want to meet up here again?" Kagami asked you.

"Yeah! How about every day during my free time at 6:00 pm until my class trip is over? That is if you can make it." You suggested as Kagami nodded his head in response. Everyday for the remaining duration of your trip, you met up with Kagami during your free time. Even though he had basketball practice, Kagami always found a way to make time for your dates at Maji Burger. When it was time to head back to America, Kagami saw you off at the airport.

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