Piano Lessons [Midorima Shintaro X Reader]

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It was your first day at Shutoku High. You were a third year, but you had transferred to Shutoku because you had just moved and your classes at your other school were too easy for you. You were always the top student in every one of your classes, your scores significantly higher than everyone else's. You strongly believed in fate and listen to the Oha Asa horoscopes daily. You arrived early to your first class. Thinking that no one else was in the room, you didn't bother to plug in your headphones to your phone when listening to the daily horoscope.

"Today (your sign) is on top. On the other hand, cancers better watch out. Today is not a cancer's lucky day. Cancer's lucky item is a pink flower hair pin. (your sign)'s lucky item is a pocket knife. Be sure to bring your lucky item with you to increase your luck!" The voice on your phone said.

"Yes! I'm on top today!" You said as you pumped your fist with the pocket knife up into the air.

"So you listen to the Oha Asa horoscope too." A deep voice came from the back corner of the classroom, making you jump. You looked in the direction the voice came from to find a guy wearing glasses and a pink flower hair pin in his green hair. He must have been a cancer, judging from the pink flower hair pin in his hair.

"Yes and I suppose you do too?" You asked as the green haired guy just nodded his head yes. Awkward silence filled the room.

"Umm, I'm (y/n) by the way. And you are?" You said as you got up and approached the green haired male and held out your hand.

"Midorima Shintarou." He said as he reluctantly took your hand and shook it. You could have sworn you saw a slight blush on his face when your hands touched. Just then a familiar voice sounded behind you and you turned around to see Takao Kazunari.

"Hey (y/n)! I didn't know you enrolled in Shutoku!" Takao greeted you cheerfully. You were a childhood friend of Takao's and you hadn't seen him since you graduated from elementary school. You were two years ahead of Takao and ended up going to different middle schools.

"Takao! It's great to see you again, it's been so long!" You said as you hugged Takao and he hugged you back.

"I know right! I've missed seeing you every day at school!" Takao said excitedly. As you and Takao chatted, Midorima started to get jealous. He had finally met a nice looking girl who seemed to have common interests with him and now she was busy talking to another guy that apparently has known her for a long time. And she looked really happy around him. This made Midorima a bit disappointed.

"Hey Takao, guess what? I've already made a new friend here." You said as Takao looked at you excitedly.

"Oh really? Who?" Takao asked you as you smiled excitedly.

"I'd like you to meet Midorima Shintarou." You said, gesturing at Midorima who looked up at you in surprise. He had just met you and now you were already calling him a friend.

"Uh nice to meet you Takao." Midorima played along and held out his hand as Takao shook it.

"Hey, I remember you. You were part of that elite Teiko Middle School boy's basketball team known as the Generation of Miracles. We played against each other in middle school. But it seems you obviously don't remember me." Takao told Midorima who looked at him with a puzzled look. You looked at both Takao and Midorima seeming just as puzzled as Midorima was. Just then the bell rang and you and Takao took your seats as the rest of the class and the teacher came into the classroom.

~Time Skip~

It was lunch time and it was also time to sign up for clubs. Takao walked up to you with his lunch in hand as you were eating and looking around in the school courtyard where all the different clubs had set up their information booths.

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