You're The Only One [Aomine Daiki X Reader]

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You were a first year at Teiko Middle School. It was after school club activities and you had just left from basketball practice when you realized you left your backpack in the girl's locker room. You ran back to the gym and heard the sound of a basketball bouncing and the squeaking of shoes on the gym floor.

'School activities are already over. Shouldn't the gym be empty?' You thought to yourself. You walked through the open gym door to find a dark blue haired boy shooting hoops alone. You could tell he had extraordinary skills like you. Actually he might have been better than you. Curious to see his skills against your own, you approached him from behind to ask if he'd be willing to play against you.

"Need someone to practice with?" You asked the boy.

"Ahh!" The boy screamed as he dropped the ball and jumped out of surprise before turning around to see who had scared the living daylights out of him. You giggled at his reaction.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." You apologized as you ran and grabbed the ball he dropped and approached him.

"It's okay. I just thought I was alone." He said as you tossed the ball back to him.

"I just forgot something in the girl's locker room. I'm (l/n) (y/n) by the way." You said, holding your hand out to the boy.

"I'm Aomine Daiki, a first year." Aomine said, returning your handshake.

"Nice to meet you Aomine. You never answered my question though. Do you need someone to practice with?" You said as Aomine was about to shoot a basket.

"Sure but..." Aomine paused.

"But what?" You asked him.

"Every time I play a game, the opposing team looses the will to play as I overwhelm them. The only one who can beat me is me." Aomine said, looking down at the floor sadly.

"You don't know until you try. Come on let's go, one-on-one! First one to make five baskets wins." You said, snatching the ball from him and heading towards the hoop. You shot the ball and made a basket.

"That's one basket for me, 1-0." You said as a mischievous smirk made its way to Aomine's face.

"Oh you're on, (l/n)!" Aomine said as you smiled, readying yourself for another shot. Aomine jumped up and blocked it. Then he stole the ball and ran towards the opposite hoop, dribbling the ball with astounding speed. But you quickly caught up and were soon in his way.

"There's no way I'm letting you win that easily!" You said with a determined look on your face, taking a defensive stance. Aomine was surprised that you were able to catch up to him that quick. He quickly maneuvered the ball to try to throw you off balance, but you were swift and were able to follow his movements. Aomine stepped back, still in possession of the ball, shocked that you were able to keep up with his pace.

"Heh, you're good." He complimented you. Thinking you had him, you tried to steal the ball, but he just shot the ball into the hoop with a formless shot.

"But you're still a ways away from being able to beat me." Aomine said. You just smiled, even more determined than before.

~Time Skip~

Several action packed minutes passed and Aomine beat you 5-4. Both of you panted after your intense one-on-one game. You wiped the sweat off your forehead and held out your fist to Aomine.

"Good game. We should play again sometime." You said, smiling at Aomine.

"But I won. You're not discouraged that you lost?" Aomine asked you as you shook you head.

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