True Fan [Kise Ryouta X Reader]

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It was your first day at Kaijo High as a first year. And you were at the school entrance when you heard a ton of squealing behind you. You wondered what all the ruckus was about so you turned around to see the famous model Kise Ryouta surrounded by his fans. He had been your crush ever since you discovered the magazine Zunon Boy. You couldn't believe it, your famous crush was attending the same high school as you! You didn't realize it but you were staring at Kise. At one point Kise noticed you staring at him and you and both lock eyes. A blush forms on both of your faces as you did.

~Kise's POV~

I locked eyes with this girl and my heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful. Her (h/c) hair fell loosely around her shoulders, complimenting her facial features and her gorgeous (e/c) eyes. And she had the perfect curves. I swear I was blushing when we locked eyes. She blushed as well which was really cute.

~End of Kise's POV~

The bell rang and you hurried off to class, ashamed of being late on the very first day. You took your seat at the middle desk of the classroom. A minute later, Kise burst into the room.
"I'm very sorry for being late! I kept getting surrounded by my fans." Kise apologized to the teacher who just glared at him and continued where he left off. Kise sat down at the desk next to you on your right. During the entire lesson, you felt like you were being watched. You glanced to your right to see Kise quickly turn away from you and face the front of the classroom. When the bell rang, you packed up your class materials and left the classroom to go to your next class. On your way to class, you felt like you were being followed. You turned around to find Kise right behind you. You stopped, causing him to bump into you.

"Why are you following me?" You asked Kise.

"My class is in this direction too." He pouted.

"Hold on a minute. Can I see your schedule?" You asked him as you took out your class schedule to compare it with his.

"Uh sure." He said as he got out his class schedule and handed it to you. Your eyes widened when you compared schedules.

"You have the same schedule as me!" You said excitedly as Kise's face lit up.

"Really? That's great! We can be study buddies!" He said as he hugged you, making you blush a little. You couldn't believe it. Not only were you going to the same high school as your celebrity crush, but you had the same class schedule as him too. Suddenly, you realized you haven't told him your name yet.

"If we're going to be study buddies then we should know each other's names. I'm (y/n) (l/n)." You introduced yourself as you held out your hand and Kise shook it.

"And I'm Kise Ryouta." He said as you shook your head.

"I already know your name, silly. I read your magazine. I'm your biggest fan." You told Kise who's face lit up again.

"You're very different from my other fans." Kise said, smiling as you gave him a puzzled look.

"How so?" You asked him.

"You didn't join the crowd and ask for an autograph or ask to take a selfie with me." He told you.

"Well that's because I respect people's personal space and privacy. Of course I was thrilled to see you but I really had to control myself not to join the crowd. I didn't want to be seen by you as just another crazy fan." You explained to him. Kise smiled gently at you.

"I see. You really are a true fan of mine." He said which made you smile as well. And with that you both headed to your class together, talking and laughing on the way there.

~Time Skip~

After your last class, you and Kise had club activities.

"What club did you join (l/n)?" Kise asked you.

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