Not So Silent [Mitobe Rinnosuke X Reader] (LEMON)

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It was December 3, your boyfriend Mitobe Rinnosuke's birthday. Mitobe was a sweet, loving and caring boyfriend. He was always putting you first instead of himself. He's surprisingly lovey dovey with you in public. He's not afraid to hold your hand or give you a kiss in front of the Seirin basketball team, which of course makes them very jealous. But when it came to sexual things you could tell he suppresses himself because he doesn't want to rush things in the relationship. He genuinely cares about you and doesn't want to do anything he or you would regret. But for this special day, you had something planned for your silent man that you know he's been wanting to do for a while now. You and Mitobe were walking hand-in-hand to your place from his basketball practice. Normally, you would be talking to Mitobe and he would listen and nod his head. But tonight you were silent, thinking about what you were planning for tonight. Your silence worried him. Mitobe squeezed your hand lightly a couple times. You looked up at him.

'Are you okay?' Mitobe's worried gaze said. You had known Mitobe since childhood and had been friends every since. You guys started dating when you became first years at Seirin High School. Since you've spent so much time with Mitobe, you can practically read his facial expressions and body language like a book. You smiled up at your concerned boyfriend.

"I'm fine. Don't you worry about it." You said in a cheerful tone to ease Mitobe's worries and immediately, his expression changed from a worried frown to a gentle warm smile. It was cold outside but his smile warmed you up all the way to the bone. When you got to your house, you unlocked the door and let Mitobe inside. While he was at basketball practice, you had gone home to prepare food and decorate your house for his birthday surprise before going back to school to meet up with him after practice. You turned on the lights, revealing the decorations you put up.

"Surprise Rinno-kun! Happy birthday!" You said, gesturing at the decorated living room. You stood on one tip toe and kissed Mitobe on the cheek. He looked at you and smiled appreciatively.

'You did all this while I was at basketball practice?' His expression read. You nodded your head in return and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"I even made your favorite dish, tuna donburi, just the way you like it." You said excitedly while holding Mitobe's big hands in your small ones.

'But you don't like tuna donburi.' Mitobe's expression said. You smiled and gently caressed your boyfriend's cheek.

"It doesn't always have to be about me Rinno-kun. You're always putting me first in our relationship. So I figured I would put you first tonight. It is your birthday after all." You said as you brought Mitobe over to the dining room table and sat him down while you went to the kitchen to retrieve the fresh food. Mitobe was really hungry from practice so he ate ravenously.

"So you like it?" You asked him. Mitobe nodded his head yes.

'This is the best tuna donburi I've ever had!' Mitobe's facial expression told you as you chuckled, happy to see him enjoying your meal so much. Then you went back to the kitchen to get the cake that you baked and decorated yourself. When the two of you finished eating, you went into the living room to fetch Mitobe's presents. You brought two presents over to Mitobe who was still seated at the dining room table.

"I got you two birthday presents Rinno-kun. Open the flat one first." You said, handing them to Mitobe who gratefully accepted them. He unwrapped the flat present like you said, revealing a framed drawing of you and Mitobe together that your artistic friend drew at your request. Mitobe smiled at the drawing, then at you and pecked you on the lips as a thank you.

"I'm glad you like it. Even though I wasn't the one who drew it. Okay now open the last one." You said, particularly interested in what Mitobe's reaction would be to this present. Mitobe did what you said and unwrapped the last present. It was a bottle of body chocolate. Mitobe's eyes widened at the little bottle in his hand as you wrapped your arms around him from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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