At the Olivers

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"How long does it take to open the damn door"
shrieked a woman as she pounded at the door. It was Mrs Oliver. She was an old battle-axe, with a plain pale face and blonde hair. Mrs Oliver worked at the local pharmacy nearby, she was a cleaner and after five years of working there, she was quite familiar with the medicines and billing procedures ,so if any day the pharmacist would be on a leave, she would do his job.
"It takes a damn minute to get up and open it. Wait!" Shouted back Jane as she struggled herself out of the bed.
Jane had a sleepless night as she had the visions again. Those visions had been with her for almost 8 years now. It was at 6 in the morning that she fell asleep but the woman started beating her door at 8. She was quite irritated and mentally disturbed.
~~~~Jane opens the door ~~~
"What?" She said
as she opened the door. She saw Mrs Oliver with a parcel in her hand. The parcel looked tampered. Of course, Mrs Oliver had given it a look as she never trusted Jane.
Jane was a foster child and most people had her with them due to the money they will be given for having her. Nobody ever wanted to have her for sake of her.
"What's that?", asked Jane while taking the parcel.
" See for yourself, and better come quickly for the breakfast, I haven't got all day". Said, Mrs Oliver while turning her back and going down the stairs.
Jane was about to turn to her room and close the door when she heard a heavy voice coming from the room across.
"Why would there be a parcel for you, dumbhead. What is it by the way?" It was Jordan, Mrs Oliver's grandchild. He was petulant, rude and quite chubby.
"None of your business and don't you dare call me that" roared Jane.
Jane hated Jordon, not only because he was rude and all but also because he always bullied her.
" Relax dumbhead, I'm curious who would send an orphan a parcel. I mean, haven't got any parents or friends to send you something" mocked Jordan.
"Get out of my face you filthy boy or I'll throw this on your head," said Jane while pretending to throw the parcel
"Stop it!! And behave with Jordin" yelled Mrs Oliver, who would always defend Jordan.
On hearing this, Jordan started making mocking faces and mumbled, " You are just a dumbhead and a foster child "Jane could not take it anymore, she pinched Jordan on his arm as he walked by her.
"Owww", yelled Jordan, " This idiot has gone mad".
Mrs Oliver came and slapped Jane.
" It's the third time this week I've told you to mend your ways.
If you do it again, I will beat the human out of you." Said Mrs Oliver.
Jane was quite accustomed to this attitude but after Jordan left with his grandmother, she raced to her room, threw herself on the bed and cried out of her lungs.
She hated when people called her names.
Quickly after washing her face she went to the table to eat as she could hear Mrs Oliver shouting.
Mrs Oliver had made a carrot cake with almond milk.
Undoubtedly, Mrs Oliver was a great baker, she loved baking and always tried different stuff. Over the years she had ameliorated her baking standards a lot.
"Here you go, eat it up and then wash the dishes". Ordered Mrs Oliver while handing Jane a piece of cake.
"Yeah, have it and thank God that an orphaned lunatic like you have been given a family where you get to each such food when you deserve to eat leftovers only." laughed Jordan.
This was enough to stimulate a response from Jane's side. She could not take it and threw the hot piece of cake on Jordan's face.
" If not me then not even you deserve this food" screamed Jane.
Mrs Oliver turned red and shouted, " Enough!! Pack your things and you are going back to the orphanage. I can't have a retarded girl in my house for the sake of a few dollars".
~~~~~ Jane was going back. She was going back to the orphanage where she would have to wait for another family to take her. ~~~~~
~~~JANE'S POV~~~
I was so happy. It was great that I will finally leave this hell house but it's more saddening to realise that soon someone else will be here to have me as their foster daughter.
I hated at the Olivers.
They were the rudest people I had ever been with. I hate Jordan the most. I wish I could throw more food on him and kick him soo hard. I hate my life. Why did I have to be with them?
Why did I have to be with any family?
Why do I even have to be when I have such a loathful life?

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