Epitome of failures!

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~~At the orphanage ~~
"Look, Mrs Oliver, I know the girl has been troublesome but I request you to take back the disownment. The girl has been disowned almost times double her age. It will have negative effects on her" cried, Miss Rose.
It was always that whenever a family use to disown Jane, Miss Rose used to beg them to take back their decision for the sake of Jane's mental health. It was not because she cared and all but because she wanted to keep Jane away.
Believe it or not, Jane did suffer from anxiety and had become a craven individual for sometimes when she used to be rejected earlier. Now when she got used to it, her fear of disownment kind of assuaged.
"I am sorry Rose. This girl is unbelievably lunatic. I can not have her around my grandchild anymore. Today she tried to attack him with a knife. A freakin knife!!!!!" Protested Mrs Oliver. These allegations were not right and both Jane and Mrs Oliver knew it. But something severe had to be said to get rid of Jane, irrespective of the idea that after this allegation Jane would be sent to the mental health centre. But who would care for an orphan girl who had a series of visions which used to cause stress and put her in a constant thought loop?
"Fine then " sighed Miss Rose.
The disownment papers were signed for the 27th time in 8 years.
After the Olivers had left Miss Rose turned to Jane, enraged.
"Go to the compound, until we find a suitable family for you ".
" Why do I have to live with a family? I am happy here, all by myself".
" How many times do I have to tell you this? We can't keep you. we haven't got enough room in here and you are above 12 now. We do not keep kids here above 12."
Jane turned back and went to the compound. The compound was a creepy old area kept for kids who were disowned. It was so they may stay there for a while and as soon as a family would be chosen, they would leave.
Jane had been in the compound more than any other child. It was that Jane was so much different from other kids of her age. She did not like to hang out or play or do any fun stuff. She used to keep by herself, minding her own business. That was what was unusual about her and that was why families thought of her as creepy or mentally ill.
So even if she didn't do anything, they would leave her back.
Back in the compound,
Jane gave a glimpse at the card given to her by Miss Rose, read her room number, unlocked the door and finally entered.
It was a normal room comprising of a small bed, a huge mirror, a not so comfortable looking sofa, a chair, a desk and a wooden cupboard.
The room wasn't much facilitated because usually not frequent visits were made there.
Jane put her bag down near the bed, the room was cold. She stood in front of the mirror taking a deep look.
She could see a fair girl, 5" 2 feet in height. Small stretched eyes, wavy hair that was tied in a ponytail but looked rather untidy. She could see all the details of her face. She could see dark circles growing darker under her eyes, her freckles were the only feature she liked about her face. Her cheeks turned red due to the cold weather.
Why do I look that ugly? I wonder what my parents looked like. Do I resemble them?
Why is my nose that round and my hair that frizzy?
Is there anything about myself that is attractive or normal?
Why is it that every time I end up in this compound?
It was 5 in the evening but already very dark. The winter breeze blew with great force and a gentle sound could be heard.
Jane kept staring at herself thinking if there was anything wrong with her that every single family has left me.
"Why am I like this?"
She said to herself.
" I am a complete failure, I never do things right and even up failing to get things straight. Why am I never able to reconcile between my ego and the fact that I am an orphan. I need a family. I will be left alone. I need to let go of a few things. Only if I hadn't paid heed to what that dumb Jordan said, I wouldn't have ended up here thinking of myself as a failure. Maybe it's right what Mrs Oliver used to say, that my parents might have abandoned me because I might have failed them too."
She sighed.
"Maybe my life is the epitome of failures"
She sighed.
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