Visions unravel.

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"How could this be?", Jane thought to herself.
She looked at those photos, wide-eyed.
It was her. They were her photos. They were of the time when she was quite young, approximately 5 years of age. She could see herself dressed up in a beautiful purple dress.
She could see a man and a woman who looked familiar. She had seen them somewhere. As she kept scrolling through the pictures, she saw that doll. The doll with the broken arm. Although her arm was not broken then, Jane had held that doll so close to her in the photos showing that she liked the doll.
She saw photos of her with the man and woman in different places in the house, the backyard, the garden, study room and even the attic.
Jane noticed something weird in the photos and just before she could give a proper look she heard footsteps behind her.
Impulsively she hid the photos under her shirt and tucked them in her skirt.
" Are you okay dear?", It was Nora.
"Ye....yeah. All good. Everything is done. I was about to head downstairs" Jane tried to act normal and did her best at hiding the shock on her face.
Nora sensed it. She gave the attic a look and advanced towards Jane, " you have done a great job up here. " Nora paused.
"Honey. You know that you can share things with me. I mean if there is anything you want to share or....."
"No, it's alright. It's just... I don't know, maybe the house is a little different or I mean new for me."
"I was in the living yesterday night. I heard you cry so I came to your room.
Maybe you had a bad dream. I was about to wake you up but you woke up yourself so to make you feel comfortable I did not come. But now I feel that maybe if you need help or if there is anything you want to tell us?"
" No... Yeah... I mean that I just had a bad dream. That's it."
"But if you ever feel anything bad or want to share anything , you are always welcome. I am your mother, just like I'm Lora's. Okay?"
Comforted Nora.
"Sure. Thank you so much. Mrs Green" replied Jane.
Nora looked sad about the fact that Jane did not call her MOM but she knew it would take time.
Before lunch, Jane ran to her room and hid the photos in her cupboard. After lunch, everyone went to sit near the fireplace.
James had asked Jane to get ready by 4 so they may go to the store and get her uniform and books for her school.
"But I already have a uniform," told Jane.
James smiled and told Jane that she will be going to Lora's school from now and they have already got her admission done.
Lora went to the best school in London and The Greens wanted to give both the daughters equal facilities.
Jane could not repress her smile. She was so happy to hear about it. She felt for the first time that anyone was concerned for her. She had started to like living with the Greens.
There were no visions for a long time not even thought loops.
Jane's school was to open after a month and she was so excited to go to the school as Lora had told her so many good things about it.
It was a Saturday night, winter was on the verge of ending but it was still very cold.
Jane lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about how her life changed, how she got along with the Greens and started to kind of love her life. She had gotten along well with Lora. Nora and James treated Jane like their own daughter. While she was busy counting the bugs crawling between the line joining the ceiling and the wall across, she fell asleep.
She was sleeping very peacefully until a frown began to arise on her forehead, her legs began to fold and her fists clenched. They were those visions. They were back again.
~~~~The Visions~~~
"Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!, don't do it she's our only hope!!!!!!!"
The light began to get dim.
"I'm sorry little one......."
" No mommy, daddy......"
Said the little girl.
The door closes.
Jane woke up breaking heavily.
This time she was sweating very badly.
She struggled herself out of the bed but fell to the floor.
Irrespective of that, she garnered the strength to get up and open the cupboard where she had hidden those photos.
She brought out the family photo from the bundle and began to cry. For a moment she could not believe herself. It was a combination of shock and sorrow.
The visions she had were the same as usual but this time she could see the faces. She could see the girl, the woman and the man.
She was the little girl herself. The man was her father and the woman, her mother. She knew it was her parents because she called them mommy and daddy in her dream.
They were the ones in that photo.
They lived together. She had a family.
It was her house. She lived here, with her own family, her parents. She could not take it. She had always seen her parents in her visions but never knew them. She now missed them. Unintentionally she hugged the photo and slept near the cupboard, on the floor.
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