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As the light became less intense, everything became clear. It was a cave, an old one. Something was creepy about the cave. Although all caves are dark and shady, this one was rather much weirder. There were scratches on the cave walls. Janes leaned a little to the left and saw an entrance to somewhere.
Jane was soo occupied with the whole scene that she forgot the fact that she had entered a cave from an attic.
The entrance in the cave leads to another place, a vast green land. Just by moving a little more, Jane could see a castle far away. It was about sunrise. The scene itself was very enticing and heartwarming.
As Jane kept gazing at the scene, an old-looking woman suddenly appeared from nowhere. She had long ears and a sharp pointed nose. She looked very different from a human.
What is she ?, thought Jane.
"Ohhh my god!!! Who the hell are you" shouted Jane.
The woman who looked ut 60 to 70 years of age, walked with a limp. She carried an old wooden stick and a torn bag, in which an old shawl and a few green apples were visible.
The woman gave Jane a thorough look.
She advanced towards Jane. And smelled her hair.
"So it's you. Ahhh..... You finally.", she said
Jane pushed her back and said, "It's who??,"
"They have waited for you", she said.
" Who has waited for me. Get off.", cried Jane as the woman leapt to smell Janes hair again.
"Your parents have waited for you for a long time", she exclaimed.
Jane was shocked. My parents have waited for me? They still are here?
"Are they here?", asked Jane.
The woman nodded with a wicked smile.
For a second Jane believed her but then she felt as if the woman lied.
" I don't believe you. My parents have left me a long time ago. They are dead.", said Jane and ran towards the loop from where she could see her attic. She could see the woman running after her. As Jane entered the attic the loop closed and it was all over. Breathing heavily, Jane placed the rack in its place and ran down to her room.
"That woman would have been lying. How could she say that? My parents are dead? They can not be there. And if they are alive and waiting for me, why would they have left me?", she thought to herself.
Putting all her thoughts aside Jane pulled under covers and slept.
Deep under her skin, in her heart, she wanted to believe that woman but could not.
The whole day went like any other day. Every day was fun with the Greens.  Jane had tried her best to make sure that the Greens do get worried because of her so she concealed the look of worry from her face. But when the night approached, unintentionally Jane waited for everyone to sleep so that she could go to the attic again. Although she did not want to go there and meet the woman again that woman had talked about her parents and that they were waiting for her.
It was it! Jane wanted answers.
As the clock struck 12, she slipped out of her bed, grabbed her upper, lighted her candle and next thing she found herself in the attic with the rack moved. She was sitting in front of the scar. She knew that if she traced the scar, she would end up in the cave again and she might even have to meet the woman too.
Impulsively she started tracing the scar and a strong white light appeared, and she reached back into the cage. The woman was not there but Jane could smell smoke.
As she moved and leaned into the entrance she saw that an old woman was sitting by a pile of wood of fire.
The woman was really weird and always tried to smell Janes's hair. It was irritating. But to get answers, Jane had to talk to her because her mind was exploding with questions.
She gently moved through the grass and stood at a distance from her.
" Ahem...... So?" hesitated Jane.
The woman turned with a smile and said,
"Curious, are you?"
Jan's frowned and said," It's natural. Look I am already so messed up. Tell me. My parents? Where are they ?".
"I can not tell."
"Well, why not. You said they were waiting ?"
"They have been waiting for you and I know how to you there but I won't. Unless you promise me something."
"What do you want?"
The woman stood up and approached Jane who stood cautious and rather concerned.
"I'll take you there but you'll give me a few strands of your hair."
A few strands of my hair? Shat could she do with them? Make extensions?
Jane just wanted to get to her parents.
"Ok fine I will give you my hair.", said Jane who still looked incredulous.
"Doubting me,  eh?
"I have to be sure".,
said Jane, handling her the strands from her hair.
" Fine, follow me "
The woman grabbed her stick and started to walk to the castle.
After a few minutes of walking in utter silence, the woman went into the castle through the back door.
It all felt strange.
Why would my parents be in a castle? Jane thought to herself.
"Stop here," said the old woman.
"Who's it ?", asked a guard.
" cleaning..." Shouted the woman.
"And the girl?"
" with me, for help"
"Okay, get in ",
The guard opened the gate to a small enclosure.
"Get in.", motioned the old woman.
Jane knew her parents were in there. she felt bubbles in her stomach. She did not want to see them this way.
" hurry it up" cried the woman.
Jane entered the room and saw that it was such a cosy room. It had a fireplace, a bed,  book racks and a wooden cupboard.
A man and a woman were sitting near the window. As Jane entered the room they stood up and started in surprise.
Jane knew it was them.
She felt strange and different.
It was the first time that she saw her parents physical.
She could not keep it in and gave out a cry.
" Mom? Dad.?"
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