I will !!

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The old woman took off her cardigan and wrapped a shawl around her.
"Tell me?", demanded Jane.
The woman grimed and asked, "do you about these lands? About the attic and Pogaey. Do you?", asked the old woman.
" No, I do not. That's why I'm here", replied Jane, who was still sobbing under her breath.
"So, listen carefully. This place, where you are right now is called, Malar. These lands, all of these, belong to Pogaey. He rules them. No one has the might nor the ability to stand up against him. There are only 2 portals to this land, the attic and the old well near the embankment. The well has been sealed long before you were even born. But the attic remains. Pogaey wanted to seal the portal in the attic too so there would remain no open channel to Malar.
But due to your parents, the channel could not be sealed. The channel required a human child's blood to be sealed. Pogaey who was all set to look for a human child's blood wanted to close the channel as soon as possible so Malar could be saved from human disturbances."
Jane's interest grew more and now she looked at the old woman with wide-opened eyes.
The old woman continued," That day when everyone was hopeless as no blood could be found, your parents who had moved recently into the house, opened the portal and entered here. You were with them too. It was not right for any human to ever enter here as we Malarians are not fond of human visits.
Pogaey saw you people and grabbed his chance. "
"He wanted my blood. Didn't he ?", exclaimed Jane. Jane's face turned white with fear. She came near the old woman and waited for her to continue.
The Old woman had stopped to lean back on the wall.
" As you said, Pogaey wanted your blood and he gave your parents 3 days to bring you here so they could take your blood and close the portal. After multiple times of begging and crying for your life, your parents lost hope and went back. Pogaey had cast a spell of the house so that you couldn't leave."
For a while everything turned silent, the only sound was of the metal bell hanged with the window, it moved with the wind.
"Did they agree? To give my blood?", asked Jane.
The woman nodded,
" Your father did. He agreed to do this. But your mother always argued. It was the third day and the blood was to be given the next morning. The portal opened for the final time. Pogaey and his men stood on the other side while your family was on the other. The procedure started. Magicians began with the sealing process and when it was time to push you to the other side, your mother refused and threw you out of the attic. This destroyed the whole process. Everything herb brought from far forests had been lost. Even the spell cast on your house was broken. Pogaey could not bear this so he imprisoned your parents.".
Jane looked down and her tears fell on the wooden floor.
The old woman held her chin up and said, "It was your father who decided not to fight and surrender by giving up on you but your mother saves you from death. "
"Where is Pogaey? How do I get my parents out of here?.", the old Woman looked in shock.
"What! I can not leave my parents here anymore. They have to be back with me.", answered Jane.
The woman got up from her place and went towards the window. She pointed towards the castle and said," There is only one way that you can get your parents out of here."
" What is it?", asked Jane.
"Kill Pogaey", said the woman, raising her eyebrows.
" Kill? What makes you think I can do it?", replied Jane.
"Pogaey gets his powers from his throne. If you want to kill Pogaey, you have to destroy the throne."
Jane seemed baffled.
"How?", she asked.
The woman said,"Either burn it or stabb it".
Jane had a glow in her eyes. She was ready to undergo every difficulty to have her parents.It would be her only chance to free her parents from here. She would not be like her father. She would fight for her parents and set them free.
Suddenly Jane realised that it had been in Malar for 5 hours and the Greens souls Bd looking for her.
"I'll better leave for now, but ill come back."
, said Jane as she walked towards the footage stopped for a while and looked at the old woman.
"I'll be here tomorrow, the same time", the old woman answered.
Jane walked towards the portal and went back to the attic.
She could hear Police Sirens.
Suddenly she realised that it might have been the Greens who would have called the police when they could not find Jane anywhere.
" Shit", cried Jane and she ran towards the garden where Nora, James and Lora were present.
"Jane!! Thank God! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?", shouted James.
The police were sent back and everyone sat in the lounge waiting for Jane to tell her whereabouts.
" I was in the attic.", said Jane slowly.
"What were you doing there? We were so worried when we did not find you anywhere," answered Nora.
"I'm sorry, I worried everyone.", apologised Jane" It's okay but please never do this again. Or at least we should know where you are so we don't have to panic.", said James.
Nora got up and made breakfast for everyone.
Jane went to change.
After breakfast, Nora and James told them that they had to go to a business conference out of the city, so Aunt Morrice would come here to look after them for the week.
"A week? And why Aunt Morrice?", shouted Lora.
"Don't you love aunt Morrice?", asked James to Lora.
"No! She's a pathetic person. She would just come here and sit in front of the tv and do nothing.", cried Lora.
" Sweety she is about to be here in a while. We have to pack stuff. Don't bother yourself and do not misbehave with her. It's only a matter of a week.", said Nora. Lora looked unconvinced by the response but as she was about to say something the doorbell rang.
"She's here", said James.
Aunt Morrice came inside with a huge bag. She was a rather skinny woman with short hair.
She wore her glasses off the tip of her nose. Just by the look of her anyone could tell that she was a rude git.
As she entered, James took her back to her room and she joined everyone at the breakfast table where she met Jane.
Nora and James gave her a list of things to take care of but she looked quite unbothered about everything.
Nora and James left in the evening. As soon as they left Aunt Morrice turned the tv on and sat right in the middle of the sofa.
Lora went up to her room as she could not stand the sight of Aunt Morrice.
Have known it was time.
She got up and went to the attic.
She seemed reluctant to do this but she could not leave her parents there in such a condition.
So she traced the scar and entered Malar.
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