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Standing cold, wide-eyed and shocked Jane could not believe that her parents were standing right in front of her.
"Mom?, Dad?", she cried.
The old woman went and sat near the fireplace and started smelling Jane hair.
It was not obvious why the old woman liked the smell of Janes's hair.
"Jane? Is that you?", asked her mother who has had tears in her eyes and was not able to breathe.
"It is Jane. Mom", Jane was crying too.
" Oh my God. It's our daughter Max. Our Jane!!!!!!", cried her Mother.
"Yes, Rona. She's here." Said Max, who was Jane's father.
It was such an emotional scene. The perfect sky,  the perfect winter evening for a daughter to reunite with her parents. We would expect Jane to run towards her parents and cry out of her lungs but over these years, when Jane had to suffer so much because of her parents not being with her, she started to hate them. She had gone far away from even the thought of meeting them.
Rona came running and hugged Jane, kissing her face, her hands and back to hugging her again.
Max, who stood far shedding tears with an expressionless face came and hugged his daughter too.
It was how it should have been. Jane hugged them back and cried.
"Mom. Dad. Where were you? I needed you. I missed you."
"My baby. It's been so long. I missed you too. Not a day passed when I did not think of you.", cried Rona.
"I was always there. There, where you left me. Alone and isolated. In a world of greedy people. A world where I was alone. ", Rona paused for a while.
Jane started to back up.
The old woman grabbed a handful of nuts from the basket and began to eat them.
Jane started to move backwards and cry out louder.
" Sweety come here.  Come to your parents. Come on", said Max while moving towards Jane and holding her wrist.
Jane first began to move but then suddenly pulled her hand away and said,
"Tell me. Why did you leave me? What are you doing here? Why couldn't I be here?"
Rona began to cry louder and fell to the floor. Max came, picked her up and sat her on the sofa.
"Why?????", shouted Jane.
" Answer me? Please, how did I ever fail you? Why did you ABANDON me? shouted Jane, raising her voice.
Rona and Max looked at each other and exchanged worried looks.
"Daughter, it's not the time to ask. Please," explained Max.
Jane looked to her mother who was now looking at Jane as if she wanted to hide something
" It is the time. Tell me! What is it that you hide? TELL ME!!", screamed Jane on top of her voice.
Rona started to cry and Max who could not answer walked towards the window and started to scratch his face until red.
Jane was mad. She could not breathe or even standstill.
The old woman stood up and started to scan the reality of what was happening.
Rona to up to comfort Jane who was crying like anything.
Jane stood up, " Stop. Don't please. If you can't  tell me why you left me then let me be."
After saying this she ran out of the enclosure and ran as fast as she could. The old woman also ran behind her giving Max a sharp look.
Rona fainted.
Jane ran and reached the entrance of the cave, where she sat down against a wall and compressed herself.
The woman reached her, still holding the strand of Jane's hair in her hand.
"Oyyyy... Little human. Stop crying. ", she said.
"They were always there but never came to me and never thought of me. Who does this to their child?", said Jane.
The woman moved closer to Jane and whispered, "The one fighting for their life".
It was absurd.
Jane looked up, bewildered.
" What does it mean?" She asked.
The old woman trimmed and suggested, "It's cold out here. let's go to my palace.".
Jane wanted answers so she helplessly followed the old woman who had already started walking.
The old woman's house was a mess. It was a small,  red-bricked house, there were no windows or even a chimney. The main door was a piece of wood hanging from the side. The woman slid that piece and entered. At first, Jane did not want to go in but she had walked a long way to get here. The house was such a mess from the inside. There were no chairs or sofas to sit. There was only a mattress on the floor, a fireplace to which a small rack was placed on which a few torn shawls, burned paper and mostly rubbish.
The woman sat on the mattress and Jane sat on a box near the door.
" Tell me, what did you mean by fighting for life ?" asked Jane who was more inquisitive than ever.
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