Chapter 10 - Safe And Sound

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The clock read 6:30 am.
The blonde stared at the clock, then directed her gaze to the snow-covered leaves outside the window, tiny rays of light from the street lamps seeping through the blinds. Her ears were filled with the annoying ticking of the second-hand, thundering throughout her head. Though her eyes were wide open, it was hell for her to even lift a finger. The blonde had been lying in bed for the past half an hour; She was going to be late for school if she does not get up now.
It took every last bit of strength for Applejack to drag herself out of bed, groaning at the loss of comfort. She touched her forehead, vision blurring for a second, the bedroom swirling around her. The aching pain in her head overwhelmed her as she winced. I don't want to go to school. Applejack stumbled toward the bathroom and took a moment to collect herself. Just six hours to deal with. I do this five days a week, so why is it so hard today?

Applejack stood over the sink and briefly splashed water onto her face. It cooled down her burning head for a bit. She took a moment to observe the person in the mirror. Her blonde hair was shrivelled and messy, tired olive eyes drained from its green colour. Because.. She grabbed her toothbrush and flipped open the toothpaste's cap. ..Now I know that I am not her reason to get up today.
She lifted the toothbrush to her mouth, not before she made an effort to smile to her reflection. But, she is the reason I got up.


Applejack was heaving her feet across the hallway, dreading every second she was stood up. Her pupils were glued to the floor, hands tucked in her pocket jeans. She could hear the chattering of students and lockers slamming shut. If she were to focus hard enough. she would even make out the buzzing of the fluorescent lights overhead. Occasionally, she bumped into some people but did not master up the energy to even look them in the eye. Applejack made a turn toward a empty hallway. The unmistakable shadow of a girl caused the blonde to lift her heavy head up. The same usual rainbow beanie adorned her head.

Applejack was greeted with stone cold magenta irises. Rainbowdash's eyes did not have the usual spark in them. The girl awkwardly stood in front of Applejack had her eyebrows knitted, eyes borrowing into Applejack's mind. "Well, Applejack," The girl started, raspy voice lowered and dusted with disappointment. Applejack noted that the girl did not use her nickname this time. "Why did you ignore my calls and messages over the weekend?" Applejack opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She felt like she wanted to cry again as her vision blurred. Though the hallway was warm, her fingers trembled.

Rainbowdash's harsh expression was replaced with a soft one, filled with concern. Her glare on Applejack softened as she stepped toward the shaking girl. Finally, what Applejack had been longing for and needing the entire time was given to her, as Rainbowdash wrapped her arms around the girl and pulled her into a comforting hug. It took great effort for Applejack not bawl her eyes out as she thought she had just lost another person in her life. Fortunately, Rainbowdash had not left her yet. She felt safe and sound in the blue girl's warm embrace. "I'm sorry," Her voice was muffled whilst she buried her head in Rainbowdash's neck. "I really am. I thought you hated me." Rainbowdash patted her head. "Hey, it's okay. I'm still here." Applejack did not want to let go, afraid of losing Rainbowdash if she did. "What got you so worked up last week?" Eventually, the blonde tore her body away from the girl and looked her in the eye. Those beautiful eyes of hers could electrify anyone.
The school bell rang, signalling first period. "You know what, blondie? Sleepover at my house today and you can tell me everything." Rainbowdash placed a gloved hand on Applejack's shoulder. "We'll wake up early and go to school together," The girl flashed her a warm smile, Applejack's heart drumming against her ribcage. The girl waved and turned around. "See you at lunch!" That girl.

"Hey Applejack, you wanna hurry up if you don't wanna miss Lit," A familiar annoying voice knocked her out of her trance. She spun around to face a brunette that she so very despised. "Cherrytune," Applejack said with disgust. "I know you have something for her, it's so obvious to tell," She smirked. Applejack raised a brow. It is?

"Too bad she's into me instead." Applejack clenched her fists but said nothing. She practically snarled at the brunette, shooting daggers into her eyes. Cherrytune's bitchy face was so punchable right now. Her thorny voice was replaced with an innocent sweet one as she eyed her 500 dollar watch. "Well, we've got to go!" She pushed past Applejack and took long strides toward their classroom. Fuck her and her stupid face. Applejack had to deal with her for only one period. She could do this.


After a long dreadful day of school, with Rainbowdash making it at least bearable for the blonde, Applejack found herself stood at the school entrance. Snowflakes sunk toward the earth as her left hand was shoved deep into her pocket, right hand typing away at her phone.


im gonna be sleeping over at rainbowdash's okay? make sure applebloom gets her homework done and theres enough food for yall to eat

Then, she felt breathing in her left ear. She turned her head slightly to see Rainbowdash's, just inches away from hers, looking over Applejack's shoulders at her phone screen. This was the second time she was this close. She could make out Rainbowdash's mesmerising eyes distinctly and count each long lashes adorning her eyes. Applejack's cheeks flushed red as she hurled her phone at the girl.

"WOAH WHAT THE FUCK?!" Rainbowdash stumbled backward as she clutched her left arm, where the blonde's phone had struck. "What the hell was that for?!" Applejack's eyes widened and she took a step toward Rainbowdash, holding in a laugh. "I-i'm so sorry, you were so close to my face! I acted in self defense!" The blue girl began to yell at her. "WHAT?! 'SELF DEFENSE'?! I WAS JUST LOOKING AT YOUR SCREEN!" She threw her arms in the air, Applejack wheezing.


"This is the first time I've brought a girl to my house," Rainbowdash said as she led Applejack through the front yard. The cobblestone pathway was neatly shovelled, piles of snow at the side with a shovel sticking out of it. The house looked fairly normal, icicles stuck to the underside of window ledges and the roof, windows frosted with ice and a random horrendous-looking snowman by the patio. Applejack knew Rainbowdash was an only child so theres no guessing who made that.

Rainbowdash swung the oak door open as she kicked her boots of off her feet, Applejack following behind her. She was immediately hit with the welcoming warmth of Rainbowdash's house as she took in her surroundings. "My parents are at work right now so we have the house all to ourselves." Rainbowdash took both her's and Applejack's coat off and hung it on the rack by the door.

There was a flight of stairs leading to the upstairs bedroom, family photos lining the walls. Rainbowdash was a kid in most of them. Applejack took her time to study them. "You look cute in these," She pointed at the framed pictures. The blue girl chuckled as she muttered a thanks. Rainbowdash briefly showed her friend around the place, occasionally beaming at random trophies she had won. "And there's one more thing that I wanna show you, but that'll have to wait," Rainbowdash eyed Applejack and pulled her toward the living room. "You have a nice house," Applejack gave a classic response, a soft humming of the aircon layering her voice.

"You've got something to tell me, right? About why you were so quiet last Friday." Rainbowdash said casually as she jumped onto the couch and switched on the television. Applejack settled down beside her, twirling her golden locks.

"Uhm," She tentatively opened her mouth. She turned to look at the girl beside her, who was flipping through Netflix movies on the TV. Rainbowdash had put on an easy and relaxed face. AJ did not want to change that. "You know what? It's nothing." A smile replaced the blonde's distressed face. "Let's just enjoy this sleepover."

hi!!! im back!! hopefully i wont be gone for long as usual. :)

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