Chapter 2 - It's Been Less Than A Day

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"Wanna hang out? I can tell my friends that I don't wanna play anymore," Rainbowdash said, pointing at a hill that had some high schoolers participating in a soccer match. Applejack glanced up at it and could make out some voices.


"Oh come on man, you totally cheated!"

"Tell me how!"

"They're idiots anyway," RD grinned. "HEY IM GONNA GO HANG WITH MY FRIEND BYE LOSERS JOIN YOU TOMORROW!" No answer. "IM TAKING THAT AS A YES!", She yelled from the bottom of the hill while AJ covered her ears. "Jeez, just go up there and tell them, lazy ass," She breathed, face screwed up from the volume of her new friend. "Heheh you'll need some getting used to, blondie," Rainbowdash punched her shoulder. AJ rubbed the spot and flicked the girl's neon-coloured beanie over, covering her magenta eyes.

"I have a name, idiot."

"So do I."

Then the new girl's eyes lit up. "I know what we'll do! Since you are new here, I shall be your tour guide." She bowed down dramatically as AJ rolled her eyes. "Show me around, buckeroo." Rainbowdash winked and grabbed the blondie's wrist, pulling her down the park. Autumn leaves fell around them, pretty variants of orange. This was RD's favorite season.

"Wait, let me leave Winona at my house first."

"Who the fuck is Winona?"

"Swearing isn't necessary, kid."



"You see that building over there? That's my school. Pretty neat, huh?", RD huffed with confidence, standing on the pavement opposite the school. Applejack gushed at how large the building looked, which was probably much larger on the inside. The walls were freshly painted, and the school had that kind of vintage look. Some cracks lined the walls, displaying the age of the structure, accompanied with some vines growing from the bottom. A giant clock was built in the middle, right above the entrance to the school. The hedges and grass were neatly trimmed, some autumn leaves littered the green grass to add colour. But the most eye-grasping thing was the large statue of a horse in the center. The head was halt high and the creature looked absolutely majestic.

Rainbowdash smirked at AJ, who was obviously engulfed in the scenery. Her jaw was dropped low, and RD lifted it up to shut it. "You should see the look on your face." AJ finally knocked out of her trance and turned to face her new friend, "What's the name of the school?"

"Canterlot High."

"Wait, I'm attending that school!"

"Really? That's sick!"

Applejack was relieved that, one, the school she was attending was a decent school and, two, she wouldn't be attending it alone.

"When does school start for you?" Rainbowdash asked, clearly excited.

"Next week, Monday."

"Sweet! I'll see ya then."

The blonde girl smirked and crossed her arms. "You seem excited to see me in school. Why not take me out on a date right now? I'll agree, as long as you pay," She jokingly said, winking at her friend.

Rainbowdash's face flushed red, and her feet stood rooted to the stone cold ground.

She must be joking. RD thought. Please tell me she's joking. After a moment of collecting herself, the girl said, "Sure, ma'am." Her voice cracked on 'ma'am'.

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