D- Dancing in the Moonlight (Toploader)

15 1 0

June 2006

"So traditionally these positions are the man and the woman but for obvious reasons that wouldn't work so we'll use leader and follower." Ryan walks across the room to start the cd, sure already that Chad isn't absorbing anything being said. He has promised he will take it really slow so that Chad can actually learn. "Ready?"

Chad looks nervous in a way Ryan can't quite place. He's surprised that prom with Taylor means this much to Chad, it just doesn't seem like his thing. If he's honest Chad's panic is almost cute. He can tell he really doesn't want to embarrass himself. It makes Ryan a little less nervous that this is all some cruel joke.

"So, you'll put your hand right about here," Ryan leads Chad's right palm to rest just under his shoulder blade. "Then our free hands come together out and up." He looks up directly into Chad's eyes and his whole mouth goes dry. So much of Chad's previous fear has seemingly dissipated but there is still something hanging out in the background that Ryan just cannot decipher.

"Is this where the counting comes in?" Chad breaks the silence.

"Huh, oh yeah, yeah." Ryan shakes off the urge to keep staring. He is here to teach dancing.

For a first lesson Chad picks things up rather quickly, though they do take many breaks for Ryan to explain vocabulary or just to swap stories and their first practice ends up lasting quite a few hours longer than anticipated. One of the perks of being the owners' son is that you can use the place long after staff has gone home, a privilege Ryan and Sharpay heavily abuse. So, it is much more of a shock to Chad to walk into the hall and find that all of the lights are turned off.

"I really didn't realize we had been here so long." Chad sounds apologetic, but Ryan just laughs.

"You already don't get off until pretty late," A not unfamiliar silence hangs in the air between them for a moment. "So, and you can absolutely shoot this down I know you probably just wanna go home, but I actually have a room here. That way you'd be able to get a little extra rest. Again, you can tota..."

"Wait? Like really? That'd rock! You sure?" Chad lights up at the thought of a full night's rest, or at least something close.

"Yeah definitely, I hardly use it anyway." Ryan leads the way. 

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