I-I Can Hear the Bells (Nikki Blonski)

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"It's silly." Ryan says walking across Kelsi's bedroom.

"I don't think it is," Kelsi walks out in an antique white dress.

"Oh my god that's absolutely perfect on you, where'd you find it?" Ryan is truly in awe of the color against Kelsi's complexion, and how nice it will pair with his own. Maybe he's actually excited about going to prom. Just to show off.

"Assistance League can you believe it? Well, no, of course you can't." Kelsi laughs while spinning so that Ryan could view the dress in its entirety.

"You know you don't get to constantly bully me for being rich." This time they both laugh, and Kelsi walks back behind the partition to change back into regular clothes.

"So, like, what about Taylor?" Kelsi chimes. Ryan turns to face that corner of the room totally confused.

"What does Taylor have to do with your prom dress?"

"No," She honestly sounds exhausted with Ryan's cluelessness. "Like with the Chad thing?"

"Oh," Ryan scoff taking a seat on her bed. "I'm not gonna pursue anything. I'm sure I just feel this way because he nice to me, my standards are that low."

"So..." Kelsi emerges back into the room, "you didn't hear this from me but Taylor she and Chad like never go out on dates. She also said she likes that because it gave her more time to apply to colleges and scholarships. I don't think they'll last past prom." She speculates out loud like this is some Disney couple and not their friends. "I'm just saying don't rule it out completely, okay?"

"Kelsi," Ryan barely holds back an eye roll, "as much as I appreciate your optimism, you and I both know that much more than Taylor is an issue here. Think for a second Ryan Evans and Chad Danforth, I don't think so." Ryan's blush betrays him ever so slightly.

"I don't know." Kelsi let's out a devilish grin. "I saw that baseball game. I think I hear wedding bells." 

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