G-The Gambler (fun.)

10 1 0

September 2018

It's not how Ryan imagined it would be sure, but that doesn't make it bad. The house stands broad out in front of him, and he stops a moment to breathe before entering, the air is different here than it is inside the city.

Inside Chad is painting walls and doesn't seem to even notice Ryan enter. Ryan likes watching his husband in his natural habitat. Hair pulled back into a tie that is surely threatening to pop at any moment, bopping to whatever music plays through his headphones, not quite singing along but hitting a few of the instrumental parts. It is a good few moments before Chad turns around and notices Ryan watching him.

"Ta-da!" He gestures to the large patch of wall he has painted off white before removing his ear buds.

"Working hard I see." Ryan holds back a laugh.

"Yeah, well if I am doomed to be a house husband." Ryan knows that is a joke, but it still sends a pang of guilt through him.

"I could have kept commuting, living in New Mexico in the off seasons and..."

"And I could have kept not getting to see you." Chad steps forward and wraps his arms around Ryan who leans into his chest. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I am so lucky to have you." Ryan whispers.

"You?" Chad laughs squeezing Ryan a little tighter. "I mean look at you" It's now that they both realize Chad has wet paint on him that has transferred to Ryan's clothes.

"Good thing I didn't wear anything nice today." Ryan laughs inspecting the white dots.

"Very lucky, now you can help me paint." Chad hands Ryan a roller with a small laugh.

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